UNAIR PUSPAS Builds Houses for Casualties of Lombok Earthquake

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UNAIR PUSPAS and Al Azhar Zakat Institute
Head of UNAIR PUSPAS Dr. Tika Widiastuti, SE., M.Si., (third from the right) with Norma, staff of Al Azhar Zakat Institute (second from the left) establish collaboration of earthquake in Lombok. (Private Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – There were a total of 32,129  houses in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, were damaged by the 7.4 SR earthquake on July 29 (data from the National Disaster Management Agency). As a form of concern for natural disasters, the Center for Management of Social Funds (PUSPAS)  Universitas Airlangga and Al Azhar Ummah Care Institute or known as Al Azhar Zakat Institute is collaborating to build Livable Health House (Rusli) intended for casualties.

The ceremonial handover was carried out by the leaders of the two institutions at Campus C UNAIR Management Office, on Tuesday, October 23.

Rusli or Livable Health House will be built with a size of 6 x 4 m for the community affected by the earthquake in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. There will be 1,000 houses to build.

Beside houses, they are also building mosques, elementary schools, and wells. Until Thursday, October 25, 119 houses were completed in Tanjung and Pemenang Subdistrict; 3 mosques were completed in Tanjung Subdistrict; 1 elementary school was completed in Tanjung Subdistrict, and 1 drill well is in the process of construction in Pemenang Sub-district.

Regarding the collaboration, the Head of UNAIR PUSPAS Dr. Tika Widiastuti, SE., M.Si., stated that this donation was a manifestation of UNAIR’s concern for casualties  of natural disasters in Lombok.

“The donation we received is realized in the form of houses for Lombok disaster relief aid. The form of assistance that we provide is real, this time it is not the one that is shared and is immediately used up. Through Rusli, the benefits can be long-term, “said Tika.

Beside building rusli for casualties affected by the earthquake in Lombok, PUSPAS UNAIR also provided other aid, mostly aimed at students, thematic scholarships. It is a financial assistance for students who will take part in student exchange and have financial constraints.

Second, SOP (Educational Operational Donations) assistance in forms of semester tuition assistance, intended for students who are constrained by costs in completing studies.

Third, research assistance for students who have ideas for conducting research but have no funds as well as laboratory assistance for students who are constrained by laboratory equipments. In essence, PUSPAS UNAIR is open to provide assistance to students who are constrained by costs in their studies.

PUSPAS UNAIR has also held community service named Desa Gemilang program. (*)

Author: Binti Q. Masruroh


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