UNAIR NEWS – COSFET (Coastal School for Environmental Health) is a joint work program between Aquaculture Student Association (HMPB) and Banyuwangi Public Health Association (B-PHA), student associations of Faculty of Public Health.
Indra Wicaksono as the chief executive of COSFET as well as the head of the HMBP community service department, explained that the HMBP cooperation with B-PHA for the COSFET program began with the sharing of activities between the two student associations. They realized if there are programs with the same goal.
“Finally we agreed to work together,” he said.
In addition, FKM students are more experienced in disseminating to the community, especially for elementary school children as FKM has special dissemination course.
“So, we hope, FKM can improve this process in order to realize the goal of this COSFET,” he added.
COSFET activities which targeted SDN 2 Karangrejo-Banyuwangi students, especially the fourth and fifth grade students. The purpose of these activities was to provide knowledge about how to prevent environmental damage, especially in the coastal environment for elementary school children.
“We chose SDN 2 Karangrejo, apart from being located in a coastal area, this elementary school itself was originally an Adiwiyata school, whose students basically expected to protect the environment. So, we are here to strengthen this basic , ” Indra said.
COSFET dissemination has been held for three days, September 22, October 6 and October 21, with different sub-themes in each meeting.
The sub-themes were waste segregation, waste impact on bioorganisms, and environmental sanitation. In carrying out the dissemination, the committee taught theory and practice system. The theory system is carried out in the classroom, while for practice it is carried out in the yard around the school.
“We deliberately added the practice in this COSFET. In order for these elementary students to understand more easily what we actually convey. For example, we want to convey the sorting of garbage, on that day we provide one sack of organic and non-organic waste, then with elementary students, we exemplify how to sort organic waste and which include non-organic waste. At the same time we also explain the impact, “Indra explained.
“Although the COSFET dissemination has been implemented, the COSFET is not over. Because, our top activity is the coastal movement. This will still take place on November 3 tomorrow, “he added.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chief Executive of COSFET and Head of SAS Department (Pengmas B-PHA) Intan Ayu added that she hoped the COSFET could continue for the next generation of student association. In fact, COSFET can be an annual program that combines two programs, or even more.
“Maybe also, every year, we raise a different theme, but still named COSFET which is based on coastal education with different goals,” she said. (*)
Author: Bastian Ragas
Editor: Feri Fenoria