Commemorating 25th Anniversary, FKM Holds a Tribute to Pioneers of Faculty of Public Health

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FKM Anniversary
Dean of FKM UNAIR Prof. Dr. Tri Martiana Dr., MS., in the commemoration of 25th Anniversary of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Universitas Airlangga. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – In commemorating 25th Anniversary of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Universitas Airlangga, Dean Cup committee made a new innovation by holding a Tribute to Pioneers activity of Faculty of Public Health on Monday, October 22. In this activity, FKM invited the founders of FKM, from first Dean of FKM to current Dean.

Cendana Fitria Anjani, the chief executive of the activity explained that there are series of activity. It was started with a parade from FKM south carpark, then followed with a ceremonial event in front of the FKM Building, a feast with oath-taking event from the freshmen.

“This parade was to make the event livelier, from the beginning to the end was still crowded. To increase euphoria today, “Nana said.

After that, participants were mobilized to the Soemarto Hall to follow a series of Tribute to Pioner of Faculty of Public Health events and the reception. In addition, there was also a book launching. One of the FKM lecturers is currently in the process of making a book entitled Towards World Class FKM Education .

“In the Tribute to Pioneer of Faculty of Public Health activity, we invited FKM elders, the founders of FKM, and the first dean, we invited them and they attended,” Nana said.

In addition, health tests were also held by the medical team from the committee and in collaboration with Kimia Farma. In the health test, students or other academics can check tension, gout, blood sugar, body weight, weight, and skin problems.

“In this maturing age, I hope FKM can appreciate its academic who excel in any field. This activity can also foster a sense of love from FKM’s academic community to FKM so that they will be more appreciative towards the events held by the existing organizations, “Nana said.

The activity was opened by the current Dean of FKM Prof. Dr. Tri Martiana dr., MS. In her speech, Prof. Tri advised that at its 25 years of age, FKM can improve itself to achieve the vision and mission of the faculty and be able to work even better. In addition, Prof. Tri hoped, as with the FKM slogan used this year Metamorph, FKM can advance to be even more extraordinary. (*)


Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor: Feri Fenoria


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