BEM FKM Train Residents of Asem Jajar to Make Ecobrick

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Ecobrick training activities with housewives in Asem jajar (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Improving the skills of housewives and change people’s mindset that plastic waste is not always a source of problem is needed, especially to bring awareness that plastic waste can be used to produce useful items.

Student Executive Body (BEM) of Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga  through Community Service Department held a training on making Ecobrick at Asem Jajar, Tembok Dukuh Village, Bubutan, Surabaya, at RT 9 and RT 10 on Sunday, October 10.

The head of the event, Eka Fitria Sari explained, ecobrick is one of the techniques for processing new plastic waste. It is defined literally as environmentally friendly brick. The way to make it is by filling the volume of a 150 ml plastic bottle with plastic waste until the plastic bottle hardens like a brick.

“We tried to do a survey with a questionnaire and it turned out that 100 percent of the people there didn’t know what ecobrick was, “explained Eka.

Eka said that she saw ecobrick is potential because residents have a garbage bank.

A group of residents after successfully completing the training. (Photo: By courtesy)

According to Eka, in waste bank, there is plastic waste that cannot be sold. For example plastics from crackers, noodle packs, snacks, and laundry soap, and similar plastic waste. From these observations, she finally decided to continue the idea of ​​ecobrick into an event.

“The number of ecobrick collected today from the housewives of RT 9 and RT 10. There are 59 ecobrick bottles that vary in weight, ranging from 300 to 800 grams,” said 2016 FKM student.

After conducting dissemination related to ecobrick, in accordance with the collective agreement, the results of ecobrick made by the mothers were then made into a table. The table-making activity was carried out at the health center in RT 10.

“After the speech and before the practice of making the table, we showed a video on how to make it. There is a little explanation, then proceed with the practice in approximately one hour time, “said Eka.

According to Eka, the committee did not expect that the enthusiasm of the community was higher than expectations. Before, the committee provided an ecobrick that was made by the committee itself as anticipation if the amount collected from the residents was not up to 16 (a requirement to be able to make a table). There were more. In fact, the weight of each ecobrick reached 700 to 800 grams.

“Even though at first we thought it was only 500 grams maximum. In addition, during his practice, the housewives were very excited. It was immediately done and the results were neat, in line with our expectations. Even one of the residents moved with the rhythm as the song that was played, as they were so happy to finish the table first, ” explained Eka.

Eka hoped, after the event, the community can take knowledge and practice the skills provided, do it independently and sustainably even without involvement of committee. (*)


Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor: Feri Fenoria


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