Fifth Year of Indonesian Literature PKL and Community Service in Kemloko Village, Blitar

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Training of Ambiya Macapat Verse for elementary school children in Kemloko Village. (Private Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Field Lecture Practice or PKL was attended by 30 students from Indonesian Language and Literature program and History program of Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga. 2018 was the fifth year of PLK and community service in Kemloko Village, Nglegok District, Blitar Regency.

The Indonesian Language and Literature Department has assisted the village since 2013, the first program in FIB that has an assisted village. Every year, PKL is conducted by students in Kemloko Village through folklore courses. During the PKL, community service was held by lecturers.

This time, community service was carried out in the form of training on ambiya macapat verse aimed at local elementary school children. There was also a dissemination of Penataran temple play. In the previous year’s community service, there were performances as well as dissemination of Macapat and Reog Bulkio as the original cultural heritage of Kemloko Village.

The difference of this PKL from last year was an introduction of ‘Penataran play’. On Friday, October 12, students visited the Penataran temple complex and saw reliefs on the temple walls. Through a guide explaining the temple reliefs, students are expected to have an overview of the contents of the story. Not only the contents of the story, but they can narrate the story into a play that can be staged into a theater show.

Until this PKL was implemented, play script had been made by Yus Winarko, a dalang (puppet master) from the local village, he was also an elementary teacher and art performer. The drama’s script tells the story of Sri Tanjung, one of the seven stories carved as a relief on the temple wall.

In the future, if this drama script is complete, it can be played by children in Kemloko Village as a show in several village events. So, the story of the temple reliefs in Penataran can be easily understood by the public because it is visualized in the form of performances.

On the second day, Saturday October 13, by a local guide, students were taught to become local guides to help tourists to find out the places and facilities in Kemloko. So, students can simultaneously promote Kemloko Village through the Google Map application.

In addition, as an assisted village, Kemloko Village was also used by FIB to become a place for international KKN. It has already entered the third batch, with KKN students from Brunei Darussalam.

“As a subject, folklore can be used by the present generation to know more about the traditions that we (the people, ed) have. While foreigners are very enthusiastic about our tradition, “said the folklore lecturer Dr. Trisna Kumalah Satya Dewi.

Meanwhile, Drs. Tubiyono, M.Si, who is also a folklore lecturer, has high hopes for community service and PKL programs in the future.

“Through this program, hopefully the university can inspire. In the future, Kemloko is expected to become one of the integrated tourism communities, between Bung Karno’s grave, Penataran temple, and Kemloko as the assisted village of FIB. So the PKL and community service become a positive contribution to community empowerment through cultural tourism”.

One of the students of Indonesian Language and Literature Department, Leonardo Hartono, appreciated the PKL program this time.

“There are many new things that I learned from this PKL program, such as about Reog Bulkiyo and the story behind the emergence of the Bulkiyo Reog. Hopefully, there will be more other areas that follow Kemloko Village and preserve local culture by developing cultural tourism villages. So that the community not only know tourism physically but also its cultural heritage, “explained Leo. (*)

Author: Binti. Q. Masruroh


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