FPK PSDKU Invites Akdeniz University-Turkey Lecturer for Guest Lecture

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Guest Lecture FPK PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi with Turker Bodur, PhD., from Akdeniz University - Turkey. (Photo: Bastian Ragas)

UNAIR NEWS – The field of aquaculture in Indonesia still needs improvement and it is considered necessary to adopt several technologies from other countries. In order to achieve this, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine PSDKU Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi, held a guest lecture with a speaker from Turkey. The guest lecture held on Thursday, October 4 in Room A102, Building A, Giri Campus, was attended by Turker Bodur, PhD. On his arrival at the campus, UNAIR Banyuwangi, a man familiarly called Mr. The Turker is actually running a project called EURASTIP.

“Thank you very much for Mr. Turker for coming from all the way Turkey. Hopefully it can be useful for all of us. And also I hope students who are attending can follow the discussion, “said Prof. Dr. Suryanto, M.Sc., a psychologist, coordinator of UNAIR PSDKU in Banyuwangi, in the opening of the guest lecture.

“Ask Mr. Turker anything on what you want to know, especially about fisheries in Turkey, “he added.

Mr. Turker is a lecturer in the faculty of fisheries at Akdeniz University, Turkey. In his guest lecture, Mr. Turker presented material on ” Currents Status of Aquaculture in Turkey”.

With a relaxed manner and language easily understood by the audience, Mr. Turker shared information about the development of fisheries in Turkey, from any commodities cultivated, fisheries technology, fishery products, regulation in Turkey to Turkish cultivation certification.

“Fisheries commodities in Turkey are different from Indonesia. We cultivate sea ​​bream, rainbow trout, sea ​​bass, salmon and shrimp. However, for salmon and shrimp, we still haven’t succeeded in cultivating them, “explained Mr. Turker.

In the question and answer session, Mr. Turker got a big question for most students at the time. “Why in Turkey salmon and shrimp commodities, have not been successfully cultivated, while in Indonesia shrimp is cultivated in many places,” said Ahmed Sultan, a student of FPK PSDKU.

Mr. Turker answered “The first thing that became a problem in the cultivation of salmon and shrimp in Turkey was temperature. The temperature there is too low to cultivate these two commodities. In addition, high tourism activities in Turkish waters disturb the cultivation process of these two commodities, “added Mr. Turker.

Not only talking about fisheries issues in Turkey, Mr. Turker also discussed about higher education scholarships to Turkey. There are some educational scholarships to Turkey in collaboration with Airlangga University such as Mevlana, Erasmus +, and Turkiye Burslari.

“I hope what I convey can give insight and be useful for all of us. And, I’m waiting for your arrival in Turkey, “concluded Mr. Turker. (*)


Author: Bastian Ragas

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifai

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