UNAIR NEWS – The earthquake and tsunami disaster that hit Donggala on Friday, September 28, had a huge impact. One of them is the interruption of education process, from the primary level to higher education.
In this regard, Rector of Universitas Airlangga Prof. Nasih stated that as one of the best campuses in Indonesia, UNAIR welcomed the appeal of Rector of Tadulako University (Untad), Palu – Central Sulawesi in Indonesian University Rectors’ Council (MRPTN) and the Indonesian Rectors’ Forum (FRI), regarding the application to accept Untad students temporarily to study in various campuses in Indonesia.
“UNAIR is open and ready to accept Tadulako University students, until later Tadulako University campus can be reused for learning,” he explained.
While waiting for the condition of Untad’s campus to recover, he added, Untad students who study at UNAIR have the same rights and obligations as UNAIR students. Untad students can also choose programs relevant to the programs they took at Untad.
“Regarding the flow, Untad students who want to study at UNAIR can directly contact the Directorate of Academic Affairs UNAIR,” he explained.
Regarding costs, said Prof. Nasih, students whose families were affected by the earthquake and tsunami can apply for tuition waivers at UNAIR. For accomodation, the official and Student Executive Board (BEM) UNAIR are also ready to provide access to temporary housing for Untad students while studying at UNAIR.
“In addition to providing access to education for Untad students who were affected by the earthquake and tsunami, UNAIR academic community has sent a medical team through UNAIR Floating Hospital to the disaster site,” he concluded.
Author: Nuri Hermawan