BEM UNAIR Unites Regional Student Organization with University Management

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UNAIR Director of Student Affairs Hadi Subhan, Head of BEM UNAIR, with 22 regional student organizations during the declaration of FORSIDA in Kahuripan Hall, Thursday, June 9. (Photo: UNAIR NEWS)

UNAIR NEWS – Regional student organization (ormada) have been existing for a while and they give real contribution for Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). To simplify the access and support from the university management, Student Executive Board (BEM) UNAIR held a declaration of regional student forum (Forsida), on Thursday June 9. In Kahuripan Hall room 301, the event was attended by the head of BEM UNAIR Rizky Fadillah, UNAIR Director of Student Affairs Hadi Subhan and the 22 representatives of all ormadas in UNAIR.

The forum was opened with official address of Foreign Affairs Departmen of BEM UNAIR. Prior to this declaration, the ormada activity was managed and run independently. Now, the actualization of the events were under Foreign Affairs Departmen of BEM UNAIR. According Khirom Aqwamul, the head of the division, in the future ormada will collaborate with university management in conducting community services.

“Forsida is a place in BEM under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and one of the programs. Hopefully, Forsida will be able to collaborate with the university management in every event of community service, as ormada contribution to UNAIR was great,” said Khirom.

Before the forum established, BEM UNAIR has consolidated with 22 ormada. After it was declared, the ormadas were expected to actively actualize many programs with BEM UNAIR, such as hanging out together, involving ormada in BEM UNAIR event, also giving briefing to them to promote the campus.

Even though the Forsida members were only 22, it still can be added, Forsida will open opportunity to join. “Forsida always receives ormadas which want to join, and hopefully there will be more in UNAIR,” said Khirom who is also student of Political Science UNAIR.

The declaration was responded positively by the member . Such as by Muhammad Okta who is the head of Ormada Universitas Airlangga Student Forum from Mojokerto (FORMAM). “Alhamdulilah finally we can hold the declaration officially. Thank you so much to BEM UNAIR which invites all elements in campus. Ormada existence is important. After being contextual, finally our dream can be realized,” said Okta. (*)

Editor: Defrina Sukma S.

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