
Dany Wahyu Praditya

Dany Wahyu Conveys the Idea of ‘Educy’ in Turkey

Dany Wahyu Praditya, a student of History from Faculty of Humanities (FIB) Universitas Airlangga managed to fly to Turkey to attend “Indonesia-Turkey 2019 Youth Cultural and Educational Exchange”. The event was held on February 2-5, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey.

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PLN Seeks Potential Students in UNAIR

Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Career and Entrepreneurship Development Center (PPKK) hosted career seminars for all students and alumni. The event with the theme of Future Electricity Trough Human Capital Readiness was part of 31st Airlangga Career Fair (ACF).

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Surabaya Mayor, Risma Motivates Malaysian Students in UNAIR

Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharini attended MSU-UNAIR Global Leadership Program at Universitas Airlangga, Tuesday March 12, 2019. Surabaya’s first mayor gave motivation on how she developed Surabaya to reach the Guangzhou Awards in 2018 and placed Surabaya as the best popular online city categorize.

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UKM Fun Bike

Achieving Green Metric Ranking, UNAIR Holds UKM Fun Bike

2017 was the first year for Universitas Airlangga to achieve Green Campus category based on Green Metric ranking. Previously, UNAIR was ranked as 350th best in the world, and then rose to rank 300 until it was last ranked 280th in the world. UNAIR is committed to continuously improving its rank.

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