
Ni Made Krisantina Shandra at ILMUN Thailand

Ni Made Krisantina Shandra’s Story Attends ILMUN in Thailand

International Leader Model United Nations (ILMUN) is one of the prestigious international events. Held in Thailand from January 30 to February 2, 2019, this event left participants with special impression, including Ni Made Krisantina Shandra, a student from Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) Universitas Airlangga.

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DISCUSSION on abstention issues held by BEM FISIP UNAIR

BEM FISIP Holds Discussion on Abstention Issues

According to Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) lecturer from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Ali Sahab S.IP., M.Si abstention has increased along the rising of political tension. The phenomenon is motivated by many reasons.

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Uplifting the name of UNAIR and Indonesia in Washington D.C

“Students should set priorities and manage their time to study and joining in competition. Thus, student can give outstanding  achievements.” That was the expression of Dewi Santoso Yuniarti, an outstanding graduate in Faculty of Law Universitas Airlangga for the period of March 2019.

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Spirit of BEM FST Leader to Realize Works’ Collaboration

For Fakhri Firdaus, being the Head of Student Executive Board Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) is not only about position. The 2016 Chemistry student said that it is a form of Fakhri’s loyalty to FST. At the same time as a form of tribute because he has been given the opportunity to make achievements.

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UKM Perisai Diri Wins Again at East Java National Championship

Student Activity Unit (UKM) Perisai Diri of Universitas Airlangga once again won the championship in Kejuaraan Keluarga Silat Nasional (Kelatnas) East Java on March 15-16. The championship which took place at Universitas Dr Soetomo, Surabaya, UKM Perisai Diri ranked first in class D (60-65 kg).

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