Schwannoma of the upper cervical spine: A case report from Dr. Soetomo Hospital
Schwannoma is a type of benign tumor on the cervical vertebrae that is rarely found. The incidence rate is only
Schwannoma is a type of benign tumor on the cervical vertebrae that is rarely found. The incidence rate is only
Pulmonary tuberculosis (pulmonary TB) is a pulmonary infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis causing lung damage. Pulmonary TB is classified
Smoking is a significant contributor to illness and death among the world’s population today. Although smoking is proven to have
Urinary tract stones or urolithiasis are pathological conditions that are often disputed in terms of incidence, etiology, pathogenesis and treatment.
Diseases caused by viral infections, such as HIV/AIDS are still a problem in various parts of the world. Indonesia is
Based on the research results of Health’s Basic Research Department (RISKESDAS) Ministry of Health in 2018, there was 57.6 percent
Dental caries is the most common and chronic oral disease, especially in children. Dental caries itself is caused by deposition
Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) are Islamic-based educational institutions with a boarding school system, where students and teachers live in the
Dragon fruit is popular in many countries in the world, including in Indonesia. Three types have been commercialized are Hylocereus
Youtube is a type of social media that grows rapidly in the 4.0 industrial revolution. This media is widely used