Sulap Tulang Ikan Jadi Abon, Mahasiswa UNAIR Bawa Pulang 2 Penghargaan

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Rolista Dwi Oktavia (tengah) bersama kedua temannya ketika foto bersama seusai pemberian penghargaan. (Foto : Istimewa)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga kembali bangga dengan prestasi mahasiswanya. Kali ini tiga mahasiwa dari Prodi Ekonomi Islam Fakultas Ekononomi dan Bisnis (FEB) UNAIR berhasil membawa pulang dua penghargaan tingkat…

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Cultivating fishbone into a food product, UNAIR students win two awards

Read more about the article Cultivating fishbone into a food product, UNAIR students win two awards
Rolista Dwi Oktavia (center) with her two friends in a group photo after the award. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS - Universitas Airlangga is proud to receive achievements from its students. Three students from Islamic Economics Study Program Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNAIR  succeeded in bringing…

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Global Writing Clinic: Analisis dan Kontribusi Jadi Syarat Penting Dapatkan Beasiswa

UNAIR NEWS – Bagi mahasiswa, peluang beasiswa dan exchange selalu menjadi hal yang dikejar selama masa perkuliahan maupun setelahnya. Sayang, mahasiswa kerap kali memiliki pengetahuan dan informasi yang minim mengenai…

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Global Writing Clinic: Analysis and contribution are important requirements to get scholarships

UNAIR NEWS - For students, scholarship and exchange opportunities are always looked for during their studies and afterwards. Unfortunately, students often have limited knowledge and information about programs abroad. Therefore,…

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