Rakerpim Triwulan Ketiga, Perkuat Strategi untuk Capai Target

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Rektor UNAIR Prof. Nasih bersama para pimpinan saat Rakerpim Triwulan ketiga. (Foto: Nuri Hermawan)

Tercatat, mulai tahun 2015 jumlah jurnal yang terindeks scopus sebanyak 126, pada tahun 2016 sebanyak 234, tahun 2017 sebanyak 469, dan pada tahun2018 per bulan Oktober sudah mencapai 502. Bagi Prof. Nasih, berbagai uapaya dan kerja yang dilakukan dengan sungguh-sungguh tentu akan membuahkan hasil yang maksimal.

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IKA-UA NTB to Build 100 Shelter in Lombok, and Help Palu through ‘Ksatria Airlangga’ Floating Hospital

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Management of IKA NTB Region in a gathering with Vice Governor of NTB, Sitti Rohmi Djalilah (center) discussing about aid to Lombok earthquake victims. (Photo: By courtesy)

Board of supervisors, management, and representatives of Universitas Airlangga Alumni Association (IKA-UA) West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Region on Wednesday, October 10 held a meeting with the Vice Governor of NTB, Sitti Rohmi Djalilah in her office. This group was led by the chairman of the Region Prof. Dr. Gatot Dwi Hendro Wibowo, SH., M.Hum.

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Vice Rector III UNAIR Presents University Social Responsibility in Taiwan

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Prof. Moch Amin Alamsjah (fourth from the left) with the delegation from 8 countries at 2nd Port-City Universities Summit at National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan. (Private Doc.)

Universitas Airlangga has been participating actively  in various international-scale activities and forums. This active participation is done to compete and exchange ideas with the ranks of world-class universities.

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Warek III UNAIR Paparkan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Universitas di Taiwan

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Prof Moch Amin Alamsjah (empat dari kiri) bersama delegasi perguruan tinggi 8 negara dalam acara The 2nd Port-City Universities Summit di National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan. (Dok. Pribadi)

Wakil Rektor III UNAIR Prof Moch Amin Alamsjah berpartisipasi dalam acara The 2nd Port-City Universities Summit di National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan, 10-12 Oktober 2018. Forum itu dihadiri oleh 22 perguruan tinggi dari 8 negara, meliputi Taiwan, Thailand, Jepang, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, dan Philipina.

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CoSCI International Conference Promotes Collaboration of Academic Community with Industrial Sector

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Vice Rector I UNAIR Prof. Djoko Santoso (in grey jacket) with the speakers in the opening ceremony. (Photo: Nuri Hermawan)

Universitas Airlangga with several institutions held "The 23rd Seminar and 12th Congress of Indonesia Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Conjunction with The 2nd International Conference". 

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Konferensi Internasional CoSCI Dorong Kolaborasi Dunia Pendidikan dengan Dunia Industri

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Wakil Rektor I UNAIR Prof. Djoko Santoso (Tengah) bersama para pemateri disela acara pembukaan. (Foto: Nuri Hermawan)

Guna mendukung langkah tersebut, Universitas Airlangga dengan beberapa institusi  menggelar "The 23th Seminar and 12th Conggress of Indonesia Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Conjunction with The 2th International Conference".

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Gandeng Lembaga Internasional, UNAIR Adakan One Health Research Translation Workshop

Read more about the article Gandeng Lembaga Internasional, UNAIR Adakan One Health Research Translation Workshop
DARI kiri, Mr Nathan Austin, environment, science, technology and health officer, U.S Embassy Jakarta; Wakil Rektor I UNAIR Prof. Djoko Santoso dr., Ph.D., Sp.PD.K-GH.FINASIM; Wahyuni Kamah, U.S. department of State Biosecurity Engagement Program; Dekan FKH UNAIR Prof., Dr., Pudji Srianto, drh., M.Kes.; dan Prof. Dr. Fendik Abdul Rantam, DVM dalam sesi foto bersama. (Foto: Feri Fenoria)

UNAIR NEWS – Antraks dan avian influenza (AI) masih menjadi problem bidang zoonosis di Indonesia yang membutuhkan perhatian serius. Zoonosis merupakan bidang penyakit yang disebabkan organisme infeksius seperti virus, bakteri,…

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