Rayakan HUT Ke-27 dengan Seminar, FKM Dorong Mahasiswa Giat Mengabdi

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AGUNG Dwi Laksono saat memaparkan materi dalam Seminar Bulan Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Kesehatan Masyarakat (Bulis) 2018 pada Kamis (1/11) di Aula Sumarto FKM UNAIR. (Foto: Bektienadila)

UNAIR NEWS – Pada perayaan HUT (Hari Ulang Tahun) Ke-27 Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (ISMKMI), Departemen Pokja BEM Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat (FKM) Universitas Airlangga menggelar Seminar Bulan Ikatan…

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FIB Students Teach Javanese Language to Karang Menjangan Children

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Deputra committee taught Karang Menjangan children nembang Jawa children (Photo: Arien)

Faculty of Humanities students Universitas Airlangga who  are also the members of Desa dan Kampung Mitra (Deputra) held community service at RT 1 RW 7 Karang Menjangan, on Sunday,4 November.

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UNAIR Nursing Master Program Batch 11 Teaches Residents to Plant Toga Family Medicinal Plants

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Community Service activities conducted by UNAIR Nursing Masters students. (Photo: Doc. Committee)

This public community service activities was held by Nursing’s Masters Batch 11 (M11), and it was themed "Let's Eradicate Poverty Together" which was guided directly by Dr. Tintin Sukartini, S.Kp., M.Kes.

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UNAIR Strengthens Partnership with King Abdul Aziz University

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Vice Rector III Prof. Amin (second from the left) with delegates from King Abdul Aziz University after meeting (Photo: by courtesy)

Prof. Mochammad Amin Alamsjah, Ir., M.Si., Ph.D., as Vice Rector III of Universitas Airlangga held a collaboration by visiting King Abdul Azis University in Saudi Arabia on Thursday, November 1.

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UNAIR Perkuat Kolaborasi dengan King Abdul Aziz University

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Wakil Rektor III Prof. Amin (Dua dari kiri) bersama perwakilan dari King Abdul Aziz University usai penjajakan kerja sama. (Foto: Istimewa)

Tentu, hal-hal itu tidak hanya dilakukan oleh satu pihak. UNAIR sebagai bagian dari dunia juga terus melakukan berbagai kolaborasi dan kerja sama dengan berbagai kampus kelas dunia untuk meningkatkan hal itu.

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UNAIR Contributes for Palu-Donggala by Giving ‘Trauma Healing’ and ‘Assessment’

UNAIR students gave trauma healing, taught children to read Quran, supported healthcare services, public kitchens, and also assisted in the assessment process as volunteers in Palu and its surroundings in Central Sulawesi, after the earthquake, tsunami and liquefaction on 28 September 2018.

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Puteri Indonesia East Java from UNAIR Talks about The Future of Banyuwangi Tourism

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Banyuwangi Regent Azwar Anas opened talkshow about "The Future of Tourism for The Millennial Generation" in Gezibu Blambangan, Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Tuesday October 30. Putri Indonesia East Java Indonesia 2017 Fatma Ayu Husnasari (third from the left) and Putri Indonesia West Papua Leidy Herlin Rumbiak (second from the left). (Personal Doc.)

Tourism Olympiad Festival in Indonesia or TOFI was held from Monday, 29 October to Wednesday, 31 October 2018. The forum was themed "The Future of Tourism for the Millennial Generation" with “Towards Future Responsible and Sustainable Tourism” as the tagline.

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UNAIR Hospital Inaugurates Endoscopic Service Unit

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dr. Ulfa Kholili, Sp.PD-KGEH (on the left) doctor in charge of endoscopic service unit, on Wednesday, October 31. (Photo: Binti Q. Masruroh)

Universitas Airlangga Teaching Hospital inaugurated a new unit for endoscopic services on Wednesday, October 31. The inauguration of this new unit increase the number of services and facilities provided by hospitals to provide optimal service to the community.

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RS UNAIR Resmikan Unit Pelayanan Endoskopi

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dr. Ulfa Kholili, Sp.PD-KGEH (kiri) dokter penanggungjawab pelayanan di ruang unit pelayanan endoskopi, Rabu (31/10). (Foto: Binti Q. Masruroh)

Rumah Sakit Universitas Airlangga (RS UNAIR) meresmikan unit baru pelayanan endoskopi pada Rabu (31/10). Peresmian unit baru ini menambah deretan layanan dan fasilitas yang diberikan rumah sakit untuk memberikan pelayanan secara optimal kepada masyarakat.

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Puteri Indonesia Jatim Asal UNAIR Bahas Masa Depan Pariwisata Banyuwangi

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Bupati Banyuwangi Azwar Anas membuka acara talkshow “Masa Depan Pariwisata bagi Generasi Milenial” di Gezibu Blambangan, Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Selasa (30/10). Turut serta didampingi Putri Indonesia Jawa Timur tahun 2017 Fatma Ayu Husnasari (tiga dari kiri) dan Putri Indonesia Papua Barat tahun 2017 Leidy Herlin Rumbiak (dua dari kiri). (Dok. Pribadi)

Unggahan kaum muda di media sosial mampu menjadi pemikat orang luar untuk datang mengunjungi pariwisata di Indonesia. Oleh karenanya, penting untuk mengonsep destinasi wisata agar menjadi objek yang instagramable. Sehingga, mudah untuk dieksplorasi.

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