1st Winner in LKTI in Solo, Egy Becomes Outstanding Graduate from Faculty of Vocational Studies

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Egy Ramandhani, outstanding graduate in Faculty of Vocational Studies Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) (Illustration Photo: Ferry Fenoria Rifai)

Actually I am not very prominent in academic and non-academic world. I’m just a funny guy. But when I made my choice, I would try to do my best. "That was Egy Ramandhani reaction, an outstanding graduate of Faculty of Vocational Studies Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR).

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UNAIR Discusses Student Management with UPN Jakarta

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From the left, Vice Rector III UPN Veteren Jakarta Dr. Ir. Halim Mahfud, M.Sc.; Vice Rector I UNAIR Prof. Djoko Santoso, dr., Ph.D., K-GH., FINASIM.; and Director of Student Affairs Dr. M. Hadi Shubhan., S.H., M.H., CN., in a sharing or benchmarking session on Thursday, December 6 at Management Office Building. (Photo: Feri Fenoria)

One of them was carried out by National Development University (UPN) Veteran Jakarta on Thursday in 3rd Floor Assembly Room C, Management Office Building, Campus C.

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Success in Career, Zakky Becomes FKM Outstanding Graduates

Ahmad Zakky Multazam or Zakky, a student with a big entrepreneurial spirit with skills in the field of graphic design, did not want to continue studying after high school, especially when he has got a lot of design requests from both inside and outside the country.

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FEB and FH Collaboration in Business Plan Competition Wins 3 Trophies

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DELEGATION of Universitas Airlangga from Faculty of Law (FH) and the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) won 3 trophies in Agribusiness Business Plan Competition (ABPC) 2018 at Padjadjaran University. (Photo: Personal Doc)

Five students from Faculty of Law (FH) and Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) won three trophies at once. 

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Asik Berkarir Hingga Sempat Tak Ingin Kuliah, Zakky Jadi Wisudawan Berprestasi FKM

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Zakky menjadi wisudawan berprestasi Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat PSKU UNAIR di Banyuwangi. (Ilustrasi Foto: Feri Fenoria Rifai)

Tuntutan orang tua untuk melanjutkan kuliah membawa Zakky menjadi wisudawan berprestasi Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat PSKU UNAIR di Banyuwangi. Zakky berhasil lulus dengan perolehan IPK 3.41 dan SKP sebesar 1.130. Zakky juga mengelola beberapa bisnis kecil-kecilan untuk menambah pemasukan dan mengasah kemampuan.

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Kolaborasi FEB dan FH di Business Plan Sabet 3 Juara Sekaligus

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DELEGASI Universitas Airlangga dari Fakultas Hukum (FH) dan Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) meraih 3 juara dalam Agribusiness Business Plan Competition (ABPC) 2018 di Universitas Padjajaran. (Foto: Doc Pribadi)

UNAIR NEWS – ”Bekerja ikhlas dan lillah, karena kami tahu paksaan hanya akan berdampak pada keputusasaan.” Itulah motivasi yang dibangun delegasi Universitas Airlangga dalam kompetisi Agribusiness Business Plan Competition (ABPC)…

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Tiga Tahun Berturut-turut Jadi Juara Debat Ilmiah Nasional

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Amadea Zulfiah Azmi alumnus S1 Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga ini memiliki segudang pencapaian yang membuat dirinya dinobatkan menjadi wisudawan berprestasi periode Desember 2018. (Ilustrasi Foto: Feri Fenoria Rifai)

Amadea Zulfiah Azmi alumnus S1 Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga ini memiliki segudang pencapaian yang membuat dirinya dinobatkan menjadi wisudawan berprestasi periode Desember 2018.

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Banggakan UNAIR Hingga Kancah Internasional, Dewi Jadi Wisudawan Berprestasi FST

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Dia Kurnia Dewi wisudawan berprestasi FST periode Desember 2018. (Ilustrasi Foto: Feri Fenoria Rifai)

Dewi berhasi lulus dari UNAIR dengan IPK sebesar 3,37 dan SKP 1.397. Pretasi tersebut tentu tidak didapatkan Dewi dengan instan. Sejak tahun pertama perkuliahan, Dewi telah mengikuti berbagai organisasi dan perlombaan.

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Active in Debate Competition since High School, Novitasari Becomes FEB Best Graduate

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Novitasari became the best bachelor graduate in Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) (Photo Illustration: Ferry Fenoria Rifai)

Novitasari's passion in learning Islamic economy has emerged since she was in high school. No wonder, she achieved a dozen achievements during her time on college. Most of them were scientific writing project and economic debates.

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Winning a Competition and Three Awards In A Row, Nina Becomes FH Outstanding Graduate

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Nina Farah Adela became an outstanding graduate Faculty of Law. (Photo: Ferry Fenoria Rifai)

This time, Nina Farah Adela became one of outstanding graduates list. The best bachelor’s degree (FH) alumnae from University has made many achievements during her time on college.

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