Three Students Joins UNAIR International Summit in Pakistan

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THREE UNAIR Delegations, Abidah Alfi (FST 2015), Muhammad Zaib Athoullah (FEB 2015), and Ferisya Kusuma Sari (FST 2015). (Photo: Courtesy)

There were three students from Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) attended the activity called International Youth Summit on 26 November – 3 December 2018. Located in Lahore, Pakistan for more than a week.

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Student Association of Aquaculture Closes its Management with Charity Work

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Students of PSDKU, FPK UNAIR with several children in Ar-Raihan orphanage, Karangrejo-Banyuwangi. (Photo: Ragas)

After one year carrying out mandate of student association, PSDKU Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi period 2018 closed its management by holding charity work. The event was held on Saturday, 8 at Ar-Raihan orphanage, Karangrejo, Banyuwangi.

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IKA UA GRESIK Gives Tips on Maintaning Reproductive Organ’s Hygine for Teenagers

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PHOTO of Dr. Lestari Sudaryanti, dr., M.Kes., while explaining the material to MTs Tarbiyatul Wathon student. (Photo: Courtesy)

Maintaining environment and personal hygine are essential to build healthy life style. The lack of environment and personal hygine can causes the growth of germs and various diseases in human body. Especially in reproductive organs, both for male and female.

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Bisnis Berbuah Manis, Seminar Nasional FH UNAIR Bincangkan Crowdfunding

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Para pembicara dalam acara seminar nasional “Problematika Hukum Crowdfunding di Bidang Property”, di Hotel Mercure Grand Mirama, Sabtu (8/12). (Dok. Panitia)

Keberhasilan proyek crowdfunding di Indonesia masih rendah. Sejauh yang diamati khususnya di bidang properti, hanya 2 proyek terdaftar berhasil menggalang dana. Alasannya pun beragam, yakni terdapat anominitas yang berisiko terjadi penipuan, platform offline atau rusak, situs platform kurang akurat, dan sebagainya.

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Tiga Mahasiswa Ikuti UNAIR International Summit di Pakistan

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TIGA Delegasi UNAIR, dari kiri, Abidah Alfi (FST 2015), Muhammad Zaib Athoullah (FEB 2015), dan Ferisya Kusuma Sari (FST 2015). (Foto: Istimewa)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga mendorong mahasiswanya aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan akademik dan non-akademik, baik tingkat nasional maupun internasional. Selain bentuk mengasah kemampuan mahasiswa, hal itu menjadi bagian program peningkatan…

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Himpunan Mahasiswa Budidaya Perairan Tutup Kepengurusan dengan Bakti Sosial

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Mahasiswa FPK UNAIR PSDKU bersama teman-teman dari panti asuhan Ar-Raihan, Karangrejo-Banyuwangi. (Foto: Ragas)

Setelah menjalankan amanah selama satu tahun kepengurusan, Himpunan Mahasiswa Budidaya Perairan PSDKU Universitas Airlangga di Banyuwangi periode 2018 tutup kepengurusan dengan mengadakan bakti sosial. Bakti sosial yang dilaksanakan pada Sabtu (8/12), di panti asuhan Ar-Raihan, Karangrejo, Banyuwangi.

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Improving Publication, FKp Invites Professor from University of Edinburgh, Scotland

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PROF. Gramae Drummond Smith RN. BA FEANS PhD from University of Edinburgh, Scotland, while giving a presentation about "Reworking Manuscript For Publication Workshop" in 2nd Meeting Room, Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga on Thursday 6 December. (Photo: Khefti Al Mawalia)

Scientific publications of international journals are an opportunity to get awards and build cooperation between domestic and foreign universities. Minister of Finance Regulation No. 46/2013 and Minister of Finance Regulation No. 17/2013 for Lecturers,

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Winning Various Writing Competition, Ata Becomes Outstanding Graduates

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Wildan Hafata Yahfitu Zahra becomes an outstanding graduate from Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga. (Illustration Photo: Ferry Fenoria Rifai)

Wildan Hafata Yahfitu Zahra should be proud of her several achievements that she made. Majoring in Historical Science, she became an outstanding graduate in Faculty Humanities, Universitas Airlangga. During her time as a student, she liked to explore her passion in writing said the girl who familiarly called Ata.

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D3 Nursing Study Program Presses Number of Early Marriage in Cerme, Gresik

UNAIR NEWS - The emergence of problems in community was responded by Universitas Airlangga through a community service program. One of them was carried out by D3 Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Vocational Studies Universitas Airlangga in Gedangkulut Village, Cerme District, Gresik Regency.

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