Empat Srikandi UNAIR Raih Tiga Kejuaraan Pencak Silat Se-Jawa

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Tim UKM PSHT UNAIR Raih Tiga Kejuaraan pada ajang IAIN CUP 2019 Se-Jawa di Tulungagung. (Foto: Istimewa)

Vendrik, manajer dari tim PSHT UNAIR menyebutkan, pada ajang tersebut para delegasi harus berusaha menyisihkan kompetitor dari sepuluh universitas sepulau Jawa.

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UNAIR Collaborates with PT Pelindo III for Internship Program

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Director of Human Resources (HR) PT Pelindo III Toto Heliyanto congratulated UNAIR students. (Photo: Personal Doc.)

Universitas Airlangga has established partnership with PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Pelindo III) a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) engaged in port services for certified student internship program. 

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Morning Exercise and Fun Bike Event Mark the Launching of UNAIR Campus Bikes

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Fun Bike: Leaders of UNAIR taking a break at Campus B (Photo: Nuri Hermawan)

Morning exercise and fun bike event held by academic community of Universitas Airlangga with the local community on Sunday morning, Jan. 27, became marked the launching of campus bikes. There were 80 bikes provided as the new facilities in UNAIR.

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Senam dan Sepeda Santai bareng Warga, Tandai Peluncuran Sepeda Kampus UNAIR

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Jajaran Pimpinan UNAIR saat istirahat sejenak di area Kampus B. (Foto: Nuri Hermawan)

Sementara itu, Direktur Sarana dan Prasarana UNAIR Karnaji S.Sos, M.Si., pada kesempatan yang sama juga mengatakan bahwa sepeda santai yang menjadi tanda peluncuruan sepeda kampus ini diharapkan bisa menjadi budaya baru di lingkungan UNAIR.

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Green Marketing and Buying Behavior, Economical Solutions to Save Earth

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PROF Dr. Tanti Handriana, S.E., M.Si. during her professorship inauguration at Garuda Mukti Hall, 5th Floor, UNAIR Management Office, on Saturday, Jan. 26, 2019. (Photo: Bambang Bes)

Prof. Dr. Tanti Handriana, S.E., M.Si in her professorship inauguration speech said that in the last 50 years, 60 percent of the earth's ecosystem has been drained.

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Prof. Hening: Disability Problems may Cause Socio-Economic Effect

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Prof. Dr. Hening Laswati, dr., Sp. KFR (K). delivers his speech. (Photo: Bambang BES)

 "The Future Development of Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine as Disability Prevention Strategy and Building Awareness on Human Rights of Persons with Disability" is the oration of Prof. Dr. Hening Laswati, dr., Sp. KFR (K)., the new professor from Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Airlangga.

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Leprosy Preventive Efforts Challenges Scientists to Bring Welfare

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PROF. Dr Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, dr., Sp.KK(K), FINDV., FAADV., during her professorship inauguration at Garuda Mukti Hall, Management Office, fifth floor. (Photo: Bambang Bes)

Prof. Dr. Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, dr., Sp.KK(K), FINDV., FAADV., in her inauguration stated that problem as challenges for scientists, especially in an effort to deal with the disease by minimizing the number of new patients.

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Green Marketing dan Buying Behavior Solusi Ekonomi Selamatkan Bumi

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PROF Dr Tanti Handriana, SE., M.Si dalam orasi pengukuhan guru besarnya di Aula Garuda Mukti, Lantai 5, Kantor Manajemen UNAIR, pada Sabtu (26/1/2019). (Foto: Bambang Bes)

UNAIR NEWS – Problem lingkungan akhir-akhir ini menjadi perbincangan hangat. Tepatnya soal meningkatnya jumlah sampah plastik di beberapa negara. Dalam lingkup yang lebih luas, ancaman atas lingkungan di bumi ini…

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Upaya Preventif Kusta Jadi Tantangan Ilmuwan Wujudkan Kesejahteraan

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PROF Dr Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, dr., Sp.KK(K), FINDV., FAADV., saat menyampaikan paparan dalam Pengukuhan Guru Besar di Aula Garuda Mukti, Kantor Manajemen, Lantai 5. (Foto: Bambang Bes)

UNAIR NEWS – Berdasar data PubMed, laman penyedia penelitian kesehatan internasional, ilmuwan bidang kusta lebih banyak berkonsentrasi pada arah kuratif (penyembuhan) dan diagnositik (memprediksi penyakit). Di sisi lain, aspek preventif dan…

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