Rektor UNAIR Berharap Media Publik Mengambil Peran di Era Milenial

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Rektor UNAIR Prof. Nasih saat memberikan paparan dalam peringatan HPN di UNAIR. (Foto: Agus Irwanto)

Memperingati Hari Pers Nasional (HPN) yang jatuh pada tanggal 9 Februari, kepada media Rektor Universitas Airlangga Prof Nasih mengatakan bahwa media sudah selayaknya menciptakan iklim permediaan yang jauh dari hoaks.

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Minister of Communication and Information, Rudiantara: Don’t be Pessimistic with the Progress of Technology

Rudiantara attended the event as a series of 2019 National Press Day (HPN) commemoration events in Surabaya. Precisely held at Garuda Mukti Hall, Campus C, Universitas Airlangga, on Friday afternoon February 08.

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Karni Ilyas: the Tasks of Press are Similar with Guard Animals

The opening are often appearing on TV One ILC (Indonesia Lawyers Club) program made a good impression of Expert Sharing on Friday afternoon February 08. Precisely as part of a series of 2019 National Press Day (HPN) commemoration that took place at Garuda Mukti Hall, Campus C UNAIR.

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Rector of UNAIR Hopes Public Media in Taking a Role on Millennial Era

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Rector of UNAIR Prof. Nasih gave a presentation on HPN commemoration in UNAIR.

Commemorating National Press Day (HPN) on February 9, to the media, Rector of Universitas Airlangga, Prof. Nasih said that media should have created a great space to stop the widespread of hoaxes.

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National Press Day Commemoration, Kominfo and UNAIR Holds Discusion on Practitioners of Press and Technology

Discussing latest trends, several experts, practitioners, press attended in Garuda Mukti, Campus C UNAIR, on Friday 08 February 2019. The discussion was embodied in Expert Sharing event as part of National Press Day (HPN) 2019 commemoration.

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Peringati HPN, Kominfo Gandeng UNAIR Gelar Diskusi Praktisi Pers dan Teknologi

Membahas tren realitas kehidupan terkini, sejumlah expert, praktisi, pers dan teknologi hadir di Garuda Mukti, Kampus C UNAIR, pada Jum’at (8/2/2019). Diskusi yang apik tersebut terwadahi dalam kegiatan Expert Sharing sebagai bagian dari acara rangkaian peringatan Hari Pers Nasional (HPN) 2019.

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Kucur Sewu Bazaar, UNAIR Students Preserve Jambesari’s Traditional Delicacy

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One of UNAIR KKN BBM students gives a token of appreciation to local residents. (Photo: By courtesy)

The sweet snack made of rice and wheat flour is a traditional snack from Jambesari Village, Banyuwangi. It is a must-have gift for visiting tourists. Although this snack is quite easy to find, as one of the iconic culinary treat of Banyuwangi, kucur is not as popular as before due to various new and modern food products.

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Bazar Kucur Sewu, Cara Mahasiswa UNAIR Bantu Lestarikan Penganan Khas Jambesari

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Salah satu mahasiswa KKN BBM UNAIR saat memberikan kenang-kenangan kepada warga setempat. (Foto: Istimewa)

Tak jarang, kucur menjadi oleh-oleh wajib bagi wisatawan yang berkunjung. Meski penganan ini cukup mudah dijumpai, kini eksistensi kucur sebagai salah satu ikon kuliner Banyuwangi rupanya mulai tergeser dengan adanya berbagai produk makanan baru dan modern.

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