Ribuan Peserta Padati Hari Terakhir AEE 2019

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Peserta AEE yang tengah menikmati pertunjukan penampilan dari UKM UNAIR. (Foto: Istimewa)

Begitu pula dengan Fakultas Kedokteran yang menyediakan jasa tes kesehatan mata dan teling untuk peserta yang datang. Serta masih ada banyak lagi keunikan dari masing-masing stan, berlomba lomba untuk meraih gelar sebagai stan terbaik.

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AEE 2019 Ajak Peserta Kenali Student Exchange

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Direktur Eksekutif AGE UNAIR Prof Nyoman saat Menyampaikan Paparan Seputar Student Exchange. (Foto: Feri Fenoria R)

Prof Nyoman yang merupakan Direktur Eksekutif Airlangga Global Engagement (AGE) menyatakan bahwa seseorang yang telah resmi menjadi mahasiswa Universitas Airlangga sepanjang tahun memiliki kesempatan mengikuti Student Exchange.

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Menakar Peluang dan Tantangan Dominus Litis Kejaksaan dalam Sistem Peradilan Indonesia

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Wakil Jaksa Agung RI, Dr. Arminsyah, S.H., M.Si, saat diundang dalam talk show FH UNAIR. (Foto: Istimewa)

Menyoal tentang peluang dan tantangan asas dominus litis Kejaksaan, Dr. Arminsyah mengatakan bahwa saat ini telah terjadi pergeseran doktrin dominus litis dalam sistem peradilan terpadu di indonesia.

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Measuring Opportunities and Challenges of Dominus Litis in Criminal Justice System

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Deputy Attorney General of Indonesia, Dr. Arminsyah, S.H., M.Si, at FH UNAIR's talk show. (Photo: By courtesy)

In the commemoration of 66th Legal Higher Education Day in Surabaya, Faculty of Law (FH) UNAIR held a talk show, "Dominus Litis in Criminal Justice System: Opportunities and Challenges" on Saturday, Feb 16. The event held at Budi Soesetya Hall, Faculty of Law, presented Deputy Attorney General of Indonesia, Dr. Arminsyah, S.H., M.Si, as the keynote speaker.

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Thousands Students Participate in the Last Day of 2019 AEE

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AEE participants while enjoying the performances from UKM UNAIR. (Photo: Courtesy)

The last day of Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) 2019 was filled with participants from various regions. The participants were very enthusiastic by visiting each of faculty booth stands. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) booth stand stole participant attention with various animals on display.

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AEE 2019 Invites Participants to Know about Student Exchange

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AGE UNAIR Executive Director Prof. Nyoman while delivering presentations regarding to student exchange. (Photo: Feri Fenoria R)

Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) 2019 presented information regarding to Student Exchange. In the talkshow hosted by Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih M.Si., participants who were mostly high school students were given general introduction of Student Exchange.

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Impressions from Participants on AEE 2019

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AEE 2019 participants ask for information to booth attendant (Photo: By courtesy)

Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) 2019 was held for three days from February 15 to February 17, 2019. Thousands of participants from students, parents, to teachers crowded the Airlangga Convention Center (ACC) Campus C Universitas Airlangga.

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Closing of AEE 2019, from Winners Announcement to Fadly Concert

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Head of UNAIR Center for Student Admission, Dr. Achmad Solihin, with the winners of best booth. (Photo: By courtesy)

Through AEE 2019 activities, UNAIR did not only provide various information from booths and talk shows for participants. There was also a blogspot and VLOG competition with a topic: 'Why Do I Choose to Study at Airlangga University?' and best booth announcement for 2019 AEE.

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Mawapres UNAIR Berikan Motivasi pada Peserta AEE 2019

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Wahyu Syafi’ul Mubarok dari Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi (tengah) dan Neisya Pratiwindya Sudarsiwi dari Fakultas Keperawatan (kanan) saat memberikan motivasi kepada peserta AEE 2019. (Foto: Nuri Hermawan)

Pada talkshow tersebut, Wahyu menjelaskan bahwa untuk bisa lolos menjadi mahasiswa UNAIR, maka calon mahasiswa harus memiliki keyakinan bahwa diri mereka bisa. Wahyu juga mengingatkan kepada peserta untuk meminta doa restu orang tua.

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