Semarak Wisuda UNAIR, Dari Kontes Foto, Musik Patrol Hingga Penampilan Piyu Padi

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Alumni Hadir Meriahkan Wisuda: Piyu Padi yang Turut Memeriahkan Wisuda UNAIR. (Foto: Fariz Ilham R)

Pada gelaran wisuda yang dilangsungkan pada 9 -10 Maret 2019, UNAIR mengahdirkan berbagai semarak gelaran yang turut memeriahkan momen wisuda.  

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Second Day of Graduation Period in March 2019, Rector Graduates 1,185 Students

On the second day of graduation on March 2019 period, Rector of Universitas Airlangga Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., CMA., graduated 1,185 students at Airlangga Convention Center (ACC), Campus C UNAIR on Sunday March 10, 2019. Along with that number, on the previous day on Saturday March 09, 2019)

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Hari Kedua Periode Maret 2019, Rektor Wisuda 1.185 Lulusan

Prof. Nasih menyampaikan bahwa untuk memenangi tantangan ke depan, ada sejumlah nilai-nilai yang perlu diperhatikan oleh mahasiswa dan lulusan. Di antaranya adalah kemandirian, inovasi, cara berpikir sistematis dan kritis, serta kemampuan menjalin jaringan atau networking.

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Impressions and Messages of Cabinet Minister After Service at BEM UNAIR 2018

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2018 BEM KM UNAIR Cabinet after Report Hearing. (Photo: By courtesy)

Serving as minister is certainly a big achievement. Without a minister, Head of BEM (Student Executive Board) may not be able to fulfill his mandate properly and responsibly. For this reason, UNAIR NEWS summarizes the messages and impressions of several cabinet ministers after serving their tenure.

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