FIB BEM and Ormawa Holds Intellectual Forum in Response to Massive Information Flow

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FIB Student Executive Board (BEM) Head, Moch. Sholeh Pratama explains his hopes to all student organization representatives in Chairil Anwar Hall FEB. (Photo: By courtesy)

Ministry of Academic, Student Executive Board Achievement (Akpres BEM) FIB UNAIR held an Intellectual Forum on Tuesday, March 12, 2019 in Chairil Anwar Hall, 2nd Floor of FIB UNAIR. 

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Respons Arus Besar Informasi, BEM dan Ormawa FIB Gelar Forum Intelektual

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PRESIDEN Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa FIB, Moch. Sholeh Pratama saat memaparkan harapannya kepada seluruh perwakilan Ormawa di Aula Chairil Anwar FEB. (Foto: istimewa)

Kementerian Akademi dan Prestasi Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (Akpres BEM) FIB UNAIR menggelar kegiatan Forum Intelektual pada Selasa (12/3/2019) di Aula Chairil Anwar Lantai 2 FIB UNAIR.

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Ivada Makes Achievement Through Bow and Arrows

Nur Ivada Pangestuti, student of Faculty of Vocational Studies Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) is one of students who often make achievements in archery championship in East Java. The student taking Medical Laboratory Technology (TLM) study have made achievements since she was in a senior high school (SMA).

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Kembali ke Almamater, Alumnus Ilmu Sejarah Bahas Perjalanan Historis Bonek dan Persebaya

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ROJIL saat menyampaikan materi di Orasi Ilmiah Departemen Ilmu Sejarah FIB UNAIR, Rabu (13/3/2019). (Foto: Rama)

Rojil memberikan materi tentang Persebaya dan Bonek dalam perjalanan historis Kota Surabaya dan Jawa Timur. Tema tersebut dipaparkan dengan pendekatan sejarah perkotaan. Bonek yang menjadi ciri khas Kota Surabaya telah membentuk tatanan kota.

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Expressing Concern for Madiun Disaster, BEM FISIP Raises Fund for Aid

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BEM FISIP UNAIR raised fund for Madiun flood victims in the junction of Jalan Karang Menjangan, Surabaya, on March 13, 2019. (Photo: Wildan Ibrahimsyah)

As a form of responsibility in implementing Higher Education Tri Dharma, the Ministry of Community Service of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) BEM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) conducted a fundraising on Wednesday, March 13, 2019.

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Ivada Ukir Prestasi Melalui Busur Panah

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Ivanda Nur Pangestuti (dua dari kiri) meraih peringkat dua dalam Surabaya Archery Competition 2019 (3/3/19) di lapangan KONI Surabaya. (Foto: Istimewa)

Ivada berhasil memperoleh juara dalam Surabaya Archery Competition 2019 yang diselenggarakan pada Minggu (3/3/2019) di lapangan KONI Surabaya. Pada kejuaraan tersebut Ivanda berhasil memperoleh skor 319 dari skor maksimal 360. Denga skor tersebut, Ivanda memperoleh peringkat kedua dari 50 peserta se-Surabaya.

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Role of Millennial Generation in Facing Industrial Revolution 4.0

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Discussion of Lingkar Prestasi with Muhammad Fuad Izzatul Fikri. (Photo: By courtesy)

Creativity realization of millennial generation in the world of education and social culture has been in the public spotlight lately, especially on the emergence of the industrial revolution 4.0 that requires people to be more innovative in addressing existing problems.

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Dany Wahyu Conveys the Idea of ‘Educy’ in Turkey

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PRESENTATION, Dany Wahyu Praditya (second from the right) gets ready before presentation in Turkey. (Photo: By courtesy)

Dany Wahyu Praditya, a student of History from Faculty of Humanities (FIB) Universitas Airlangga managed to fly to Turkey to attend "Indonesia-Turkey 2019 Youth Cultural and Educational Exchange". The event was held on February 2-5, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey.

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