Strategy of Head of BEM FV Towards 500 World Class University

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Aditya Nurjulian,Head of Faculty of Vocational Studies BEM (FV) in 2019. (Illustration: Feri Fenoria Rifai)

Aditya Nurjulian or familiarly called Ian currently receiving mandate to become Head of BEM Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) in 2019 with Progressive Cabinet, Ian hopes with several student activities, FV to be a better faculty.

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Western Australian Government Facilitates UNAIR Lecturers to Get PhD

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Assoc. Prof. Simon Leunig speaks in the Western Australia and East Java Universities Consortium (WAEJUC) at Kahuripan Hall 301 UNAIR 3rd floor Management Office. (Photo: By courtesy)

Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) hosted the Western Australia and East Java Universities Consortium (WAEJUC) Research Training held on Monday, March 18, 2019. This event was opened by UNAIR Vice Rector II Dr. Muhammad Madyan, S.E., M.Si., M.Fin., in Kahuripan Hall 301 UNAIR 3rd floor Management Office.

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Pusat Inovasi Pembelajaran dan Sertifikat Latih Mahasiswa Mahir Coding

Dalam kegiatan tersebut, tim UNAIR NEWS berkesempatan mewawancarai ibu Yuni Sari Amalia, S.S, M.A., Ph.D, selaku ketua PIPS-UNAIR. Ia menjelaskan bahwa di era Milenial semua mahasiswa bisa memanfaatkan teknologi untuk mengembangkan inovasi. Terlebih bagi mahasiswa dengan kecintaan terhadap pemrograman digital atau coding.

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Reasoning Club Makes National Achievement

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Haflan Alfiri Widrayat (right) and Siti Sulikhah (left) managed to get first place in the Business Competition held by Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (AIESEC), March 9, 2019 at Urban Office Surabaya. (Photo: Private Documentation)

Another achievement was made by Universitas Airlangga’s Student Activity Unit (UKM). This time, it came from Reasoning UKM members, Haflan Alfiri Widrayat and Siti Sulikhah. Both of them managed to get first place in the Business Competition, organized by Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (AIESEC), March 9, 2019 at Urban Office Surabaya.

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BEM FKM UNAIR Jawab Keraguan Mahasiswa untuk Belajar di Luar Negeri

Departemen Riset dan Prestasi dan Departemen Agama Islam Badan Ekesekutif Mahasiswa Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat (FKM) Universitas Airlangga 2019 saling berkolaborasi. Yakni, mewadahi minat para mahasiswa tersebut dengan menggelar acara Share-On Ft. BINPRES DAI.

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Lagi, UKM Penalaran Ukir Prestasi Tingkat Nasional

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Haflan Alfiri Widrayat (kanan) dan Siti Sulikhah (kiri) berhasil mendapatkan peringkat pertama pada lomba Bussiness Competition yang diselenggarakan oleh Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (AIESEC) (9/3/19) di Urban Office Surabaya. (Dok. Pribadi)

Rentetan prestasi kembali diukir oleh anggota UKM Penalaran. Haflan Alfiri Widrayat dan Siti Sulikhah berhasil mendapatkan peringkat pertama pada lomba kompetisi bisnis yang diselenggarakan oleh Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (AIESEC) (9/3/19) di Urban Office Surabaya.

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UK Mapanza Invites Students to Reduce Community Stigma against ODHA

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Head of UK-Mapanza Indra (left, black shirt) delivered his opening remarks in FGD with the theme “Adilkah ODHA Hidup Dalam Stigma?” at Student Center Hall on the second floor of Campus C UNAIR. (Photo: Dhea Meidiana)

UK-Mapanza Universitas Airlangga held Group Focus Discussion (FGD) activities for all members with the theme "Adilkah ODHA Hidup dalam Stigma?" as a part of UK-Mapanza work program this year. The FGD was held on Saturday March 16, 2019 at Student Center Hall on the second floor of Campus C UNAIR.

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UNAIR Veterinary Teaching Hospital Team Up with LCS Srikandi and PMI Blood Donation

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MEDICAL check-up of donors before taking blood at UNAIR Veterinary Teaching Hospital (RSHP). (Photo: Rini Ramadhanty)

As a form of awareness in social services, UNAIR Veterinary Teaching Hospital (RSHP) held blood donor action. Blood donation took place at RSHP UNAIR on Friday 15, 2019. Blood donation activity was held in collaboration with UNAIR RSHP, Lions Clubs Surabaya (LCS) Srikandi and Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) in Surabaya.

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