Hari Pertama AEE, Golden Ticket UNAIR Berhasil Tarik Animo 500 Pendaftar

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Rektor UNAIR Prof Moh Nasih (tengah) bersama siswa SMA peserta Airlangga Education Expo 2022.

UNAIR NEWS - Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) 2022 resmi dibuka pada Jumat (18/2/2022). Salah satu yang istimewa dalam AEE kali ini adalah kembali hadirnya jalur Golden Ticket bagi pelajar berprestasi…

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Dampak Physical Distancing Selama Pandemi COVID-19 pada Kesehatan Mental di Kalangan Remaja

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Foto by Media Indonesia

Sejak pertama kali ditemukan di Wuhan, Cina, pada Desember 2019, COVID-19 telah menyebar di berbagai belahan dunia dan telah menjadi masalah bersama bagi sebagian besar negara di dunia. Menyikapi semakin…

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Rektor UNAIR Resmi Buka Pameran Pendidikan AEE 2022

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Rektor UNAIR Prof Moh Nasih membuka Airlangga Education Expo 2022 di Airlangga Convention Center, Jumat (18/2/2022).

UNAIR NEWS - Gelaran akbar Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) 2022 Universitas Airlangga resmi dibuka pada Jumat (18/2/2022). Pembukaan tersebut ditandai dengan penekanan sirine oleh Rektor UNAIR, Ketua Senat Akademik, Wakil…

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Inaugurating postgraduate new students, Rector encourages students to maximize studies amid pandemic

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UNAIR Rector Prof Moh Nasih delivers the welcoming speech to Postgraduate new students in 2022. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)
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UNAIR NEWS - In the middle of February 2022, Universitas Airlangga held an inauguration for new Doctoral, Master’s, Specialist, and Professional Programs students. Being held online, the inauguration was attended…

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DPKKA x Kinobi give tips for writing CV

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How to Level Up Your CV in Kinobi Way Webinar with speaker Head of Bussiness Development of Kinobi Ken Mahendra Basoeki. (Source: by courtesy)
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UNAIR NEWS - Resume or curriculum vitae (CV) is undeniably has become an essential aspect in applying for jobs. Therefore, the Directorate for Career Development, Incubation, Entrepreneurship, and Alumni Affairs…

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UNAIR FEB Student Executive Board promotes three flagship programs supporting SDGs

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Vania Safira Febrianti and Romano Krisna Nugraha, Head and Deputy of BEM FEB UNAIR 2022. (Personal doc)

UNAIR NEWS - Sinergi Cita is the new face of the Student Executive Board of Faculty of Economics and Business (BEM FEB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). Under the leadership of Vania…

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KKN UNAIR provides recycling education of waste with economic value

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KKN UNAIR provides recycling education of waste with economic value (Photo: By courtesy)
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b – In the Covid-19 era, UNAIR Community Service Program (KKN) was conducted differently from the previous years’. Students are not fully going into society, but the outcome generated can…

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