UNAIR NEWS – Most people try hard to appear calm and look okay in society. However, they face many struggles and hide their fears. This condition is called duck syndrome.
Dari sudut pandang psikologi, Pakar Psikologi UNAIR Margaretha Rehulina, S.Psi., G.Dip.Psych., M.Sc. menuturkan bahwa di dunia klinis tidak memakai istilah duck syndrome. Menurutnya duck syndrome bukanlah diagnosa klinis.
From a psychological view, UNAIR Psychology expert Margaretha Rehulina, S.Psi., G.Dip.Psych., M.Sc. stated that duck syndrome is not used in the clinical world. Duck syndrome is not a clinical diagnosis.
Duck syndrome, she continued, is a terminology used to explain a popular phenomenon. It first appeared at Stanford University, one of the most well-known universities in the world, because the majority of the students are very selected students.
In the first year, Stanford students usually show themselves as a duck. On the water appeared calm, while their feet were swimming rapidly under the water. They try to look very quiet while doing a great struggle behind them.
“To look well, they must act like a calm duck while behind all that they are experiencing struggle, anxiety, and fear,” she stated.
Duck syndrome can happen when they struggle to fit in a new environment. It will be a problem if what they show is different from what they truly feel.
Self-deceit to look successful
The first duck syndrome is often experienced by people who show themselves as glamorous, successful, and happy on social media. While behind all that, they have debts or work very hard.
To handle that, an individual should be more honest in accepting self. What is currently possessed is the best thing for them. There is no need to pretend and cheat on social media to show success even though that is not their true self.
“The point is to accept themselves to be an authentic person,” she explained.
Struggle alone
The second duck syndrome is experienced by someone who wants to look fine while the truth is they are dealing with many problems. This type of duck syndrome is the most dangerous because it can relate to mood problems such as depression or other anxiety disorders.
To handle this problem, help them understand the problem happening to them. We also need to teach them not to be hesitant to ask for help. We could help them by explaining about mental health and how to achieve it.
“We only need to ask for help from a professional or family to help their struggle. Do not hide the struggle experienced, and it is okay to ask for other people’s help,” she explained.
Comparing self with other people
This duck syndrome is experienced by those who want to be successful; therefore, they show themselves as successful. However, in reality, they are overwhelmed and unable to achieve their goals.
It happens because they compare themselves with something outside their capabilities. They must be persuaded to stop comparing themselves with unrealistic comparisons.
“So, the tips are to try accepting their condition and making more realistic life goals. It can be done by stopping comparing themselves with other people,” she concluded.
Author : Sandi Prabowo
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh