Do we have to wear masks at least for 4 more years?

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Infographic: Feri Fenoria
Infographic: Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Our expectation to remove masks by  2021  seems impossible. Although since Wednesday, January 13, 2021, the national vaccination program has started, it turns out that it does not immediately eliminate Covid-19.

UNAIR Immunology Expert Dr. Agung Dwi Wahyu Widodo, dr., M.Si. M.Ked.Klin, Sp.MK 

explained on the possibility for public to continue wearing masks for four more years.

“And, even longer if the public do not obey the regulations,” he said on Monday, January 18, 2021.

In his opinion, there are a few reasons:

1. Reflecting on 1918 Pandemic

In 1918 pandemic, it took at least four years for the pandemic to end. The Spanish flu had taken the lives of 40-50 million people in two years, from 1918 to 1920.

2. Antbodies cannot be produced instantly

After being administered a vaccine for the first time, our bodies are not immune instantly. At least a week is needed for antibodies production. And the antibodies are still weak. Moreover, vaccination reaction from one person to another is different. Thus, putting on masks is still necessary.

3. Vaccination does not stop transmission

Vaccination is not conducted so we could take off our masks. The public need to remain vigilant as vaccination does not stop virus transmission. Vaccine administration does not prevent the virus transmission..

4. Obedience and discipline are essential

Public’s obedience and discipline are very important to face the pandemic, such as on wearing masks, washing hands regularly, maintaining safe distance, reducing mobility and avoiding crowds.

“Wearing masks can minimize the virus entering the body, so the amount is limited and it can be rejected by our immune system,” explained Dr Agung.

Complete story check out  Immunology expert: We still have to wear masks at least for 4 more years

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