Improving green campus competitiveness

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In the current era of globalization, universities are required to produce quality and relevant innovations. The Indonesian government tightens regulations related to the environment. This need is a consequence of global competition in the world of higher education. The birth of innovation in an organization cannot be separated from the role of humans in it. Human quality in the organization greatly determines the competitiveness of the organization. Innovations that are born can cover many aspects, one of which is how to manage an environmentally friendly organization (Green Campus). The researchers stated that in the process of giving birth to innovations, it is necessary to have a strong Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in each member of the organization

Higher education as an organization has characteristics that are somewhat different from other organizations. The traditional organizational structure of higher education shows power and authority centered on departments or faculties. Another feature that marks the organization of higher education is unstructured management practices and loose control as organized anarchy. With the characteristics of universities like that, leadership that is different from leadership in other organizations is needed. There are not many campuses that declare themselves as green campuses in Surabaya, where the green campus can be interpreted as building design, education policy, rules of life on campus, and environmentally friendly culture. Therefore it is very interesting to examine campus leadership in Surabaya, which has declared itself to be a distinguishing green campus from other campuses. Previous studies stated that Servant Leadership strongly influenced the formation of OCB.However, research on Servant Leadership in forming OCB in universities that embraces a green campus spirit is very rarely found.

Servant leadership as a practical altruistic philosophy that supports people who choose first to serve, and then lead as a way to expand services to individuals and institutions. Servant leadership encourages collaboration, trust, foresight, listening, and ethical use of power and empowerment. Servant leadership, as one of the most effective forms of charismatic leadership, is influenced by morals, which is shown by its most essential characteristics in the form of humility, relational power, autonomy, moral development of followers, and emulation of leader’s service orientation.

Organizations need employees who have high organizational commitment so that the organization can continue to survive and improve the services and products it produces. Employees who have high organizational commitment are employees who are more stable and more productive, so that in the end, it is also more profitable for the organization. The feeling of attachment to philosophy and work units is likely to survive in the work unit will be higher than employees who do not have a sense of attachment to the work unit. Organizational commitment is an intense desire or motive to remain a member of the organization, a desire to show a high level of effort in the name of the organization, and strong beliefs in accepting the values and goals of the organization. OCB is free individual behavior, not directly or explicitly recognized in the reward system, and in promoting the effective functioning of the organization. Or in other words, OCB is employee behavior that exceeds the critical role, which is not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system. Free in the sense that the behavior is not a requirement that must be carried out in specific roles or particular job descriptions or behavior that is a personal choice. OCB is also often interpreted as behavior that exceeds formal obligations (extra roles) that are not related to direct compensation. That is, someone who has a high OCB will not be paid in the form of particular money or bonuses, but OCB is more about the social behavior of each individual to work beyond what is expected, such as helping colleagues during voluntary breaks is one example.

Servant leadership behavior between leaders and subordinates will encourage the organizational commitment of employees. The concern of leaders for employees, besides making employees will be loyal to the organization, will make employees continue to strive to provide the best results of their efforts to increase success for the organization. Individuals who have high commitment can show OCB behavior as a result of attitudes that are passed on in the form of behavior. With the high organizational commitment of employees, it can make employee OCB behavior emerge so that employees will show voluntary behavior that is not included in the job description and without orders from superiors.

If the organization wants employees to show extra-role behavior that can be an advantage and added value for the organization, then the organization must provide positive support for employees so that employee perceptions of servant leadership become high. A commitment to the organization will be formed, will be followed by OCB. The servant leadership behavior that must be genuinely demonstrated is how leaders prioritize the interests of employees. This will form a good perception of the employee towards the leader so that the employee will commit, which will then shape OCB. This clearly shows that employees who have had a long working period in the organization show OCB, so that it can be learning for managerial roles of employees. Besides, to maintain OCB, the organization can continue to enhance the planting of good value and continue to build an organizational culture that is by the value of the organization. It can be started from the leader’s example to show his commitment to good value. Thus, employees will always give birth to new ideas.

Writer: Anis Eliyana


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