Three parents’ role to prepare children to face New Normal
UNAIR NEWS - For more than 3 months the community work and study from home. However, the new academic year is ahead. The plan to reopen the school has been…
UNAIR NEWS - For more than 3 months the community work and study from home. However, the new academic year is ahead. The plan to reopen the school has been…
UNAIR NEWS – Lebih dari 3 bulan masyarakat berkegiatan dari rumah, mulai bekerja hingga menimba ilmu. Meski demikian, tahun ajaran baru sudah menunggu. Rencana pembukaan kembali sekolah menjadi pembicaraan hangat…
UNAIR NEWS - The success of Dr. H. Satria Arief Prabowo, MD, PhD (Satria) in developing an oral vaccine for TB became a trigger for him to also take part…
UNAIR NEWS – Keberhasilan Dr. H. Satria Arief Prabowo, MD, PhD (Satria) dalam mengambangkan vaksin oral untuk TB menjadi pemacu baginya untuk juga ikut dalam tim pengembangan vaksin Covid-19 yang…
UNAIR NEWS – Building a culinary business with risks is not an easy thing, especially in another country. As the founder of restaurant Mas Surabaya located in Apeldoorn City, Netherlands,…
UNAIR NEWS – Membangun bisnis kuliner dengan berbagai resikonya bukanlah hal yang mudah. Apalagi jika melakukannya di negara orang. Pengalaman tersebutlah yang telah dirasakan Yusuf Wibisono, pendiri Restoran Mas Surabaya…
UNAIR NEWS - Career and Entrepreneurship Development Center Universitas Airlangga (PPKHA UNAIR) with Airlangga Career Club held a virtual webinar of "Knowing Yourself and Knowing Capabilities" with Rr Ayu Maulida…
UNAIR NEWS – Pusat Pembinaan Karir Kewirausahaan dan Hubungan Alumni Universitas Airlangga (PPKHA UNAIR) melalui Airlangga Career Club mengadakan webinar tentang mengetahui kemampuan diri. Kegiatan yang bertajuk “Knowing Yourself and…
UNAIR NEWS - Indonesia is an archipelagic country whose most areas are still untouched by adequate and advanced infrastructure development. For example, not all regions have adequate internet and electricity…
UNAIR NEWS - Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan yang masih banyak daerahnya belum tersentuh pembangunan infrastruktur yang memadai dan maju. Sebutlah misalnya, tidak semua daerah memiliki akses internet dan listrik yang…