One of UNAIR Alumni, Ayu Maulida Crowned as Puteri Indonesia 2020

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UNAIR NEWS – Six years ago, Elvira Devinamira Wirayanti alumnus of Faculty of Law (FH) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) crowned as Puteri Indonesia in 2014. This year, the title was obtained by one of the former students Faculty of Law Universitas Airlangga named Rr Ayu Maulida Putri as Puteri Indonesia 2020.

Ayuma crowned as Puteri Indonesia 2020 after eliminating 38 other contestants from 34 provinces in Indonesia on Friday night, March 6, at Jakarta Convention Center.

Ayuma finished her studies and graduated from Universitas Airlangga in September 2019. Besides crowned as Puteri Indonesia 2020, she also won as Second Runner-up for the best evening gown category as well the winner of Traditional Costume with the theme of Majapahit glory era.

Ayuma’s journey began when she entered the top eleven, and she raised an advocacy issue on Senyum Desa, which is also a community of devotion established by UNAIR students. Moreover, Ayuma played an active role in the community, and with this real contribution led her into the top six contestants. During the final round,  she was selected as one of the top three contestants of Puteri Indonesia 2020.

Putri Kuswisnu Wardani, as one of the jury, gave a question about the meaning of happiness for each contestant, and Ayuma successfully delivered the answer with a clear and excellent explanation.

“Happiness for me is being grateful and accepting our weaknesses or flaws. By helping people and give benefits to others is the definition of happiness for me.” Ayuma answered.

The answer impressed all of the juries, thereby delivering Ayuma with the highest points on the final round. Furthermore, they decided that Ayuma crowned as Puteri Indonesia 2020.

Ayu Maulida (center), along with other winners from Bali (left) and Central Java (right). (Photo: Instagram @ akudanpl)

Previously, Ayuma’s career in the modelling world was quite long. In 2017, she had participated in Puteri Indonesia East Java, but she did not pass in the national competition.

Besides, she also won in the face of Asia competition in 2019, and this achievement helped her in joining Indonesian Women’s competition.

Rector of Universitas Airlangga Prof. Mohammad Nasih inaugurated as many as 1,287 graduates on Saturday morning, March 7. In his remarks to thousands of graduates, parents, and invited guests, Rector expressed his gratitude for Ayuma’s achievement.

“Last night, one of our alumni succeeded in becoming Puteri Indonesia 2020. This a great news for us, we should be proud to have alumni like Ayu Maulida, “said Rector.

” You can learn from her passion and endeavour to realize her goals, “he added.

With Ayuma crowned as Puteri Indonesia 2020, she will represent Indonesia in the international beauty pageant, Miss Universe 2020. (*)

Author: Febrian Tito Zakaria Muchtar

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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