UNAIR community service program generate product from waste bank

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UNAIR students who are members of the 61st KKN-BBM team in Sulaiman Village, Margahayu District, Bandung Regency held a waste bank processing. (Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS - Waste is a complex environmental problem. If we don't do something, it can harm the environment and health. One of them is river water pollution. From the…

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KKN UNAIR di Bandung Hasilkan Produk Olahan Bank Sampah

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Mahasiswa UNAIR yang tergabung dalam tim KKN-BBM ke-61 di Kelurahan Sulaiman, Kecamatan Margahayu, Kabupaten Bandung, mengadakan pengolahan bank sampah. (Dok. Pribadi)

UNAIR NEWS - Sampah merupakan salah satu masalah lingkungan yang kompleks. Jika dibiarkan dapat memberikan dampak buruk bagi lingkungan dan kesehatan. Salah satunya pencemaran air sungai. Dari banyaknya sampah yang…

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