Guru Besar FKG UNAIR Ulas Peran Vitamin D untuk Pergerakan Gigi

Read more about the article Guru Besar FKG UNAIR Ulas Peran Vitamin D untuk Pergerakan Gigi
Ilustrasi Artikel Ilmiah oleh Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Dari tahun ke tahun permintaan perawatan ortodontik pada populasi wanita dewasa meningkat. Selama perawatan ortodontik, tidak menutut kemungkinan mereka sedang hamil. Kehamilan akan menyebabkan perubahan fisiologis dan…

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FKG UNAIR Professor discusses the role of chitosan in clinging orthodontic brackets

Read more about the article FKG UNAIR Professor discusses the role of chitosan in clinging orthodontic brackets
Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS - According to the health services of Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), orthodontic treatment is a treatment for malocclusions such as rare teeth, crowding, and advanced teeth. This situation…

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Guru Besar FKG UNAIR Ulas Peran Chitosan pada Perlekatan Braket Ortodonti

Read more about the article Guru Besar FKG UNAIR Ulas Peran Chitosan pada Perlekatan Braket Ortodonti
Ilustrasi Artikel Ilmiah oleh Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS - Menurut pelayanan kesehatan milik Kementrian Kesehatan (Kemenkes), perawatan ortodontik merupakan perawatan terhadap maloklusi seperti gigi jarang, gigi berjejal, dan gigi yang maju. Keadaan tesebut dapat mempengaruhi fungsi…

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Finding foreign objects in the bladder, UNAIR EXPERTS: it must be suspected as a result of sexual harassment or mental disorder

Read more about the article Finding foreign objects in the bladder, UNAIR EXPERTS: it must be suspected as a result of sexual harassment or mental disorder
Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS - The case of a foreign object in the urinary tract is interesting if examined from a medical perspective. Given these organs are located in locations that are…

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Temukan Benda Asing dalam Kandung Kemih, Pakar UNAIR: Harus di Curigai Sebagai Akibat Pelecehan Seksual atau Gangguan Mental

Read more about the article Temukan Benda Asing dalam Kandung Kemih, Pakar UNAIR: Harus di Curigai Sebagai Akibat Pelecehan Seksual atau Gangguan Mental
Ilustrasi Artikel Ilmiah oleh Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Kasus benda asing dalam saluran kemih terbilang menarik jika dikaji dalam perspektif medis. Mengingat organ tersebut terletak pada lokasi yang sukar untuk dijangkau secara langsung. Yakni, pada…

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The influence of working mothers against dental caring behavior of preschoolers in the middle-class society of Banjarbaru city

Read more about the article The influence of working mothers against dental caring behavior of preschoolers in the middle-class society of Banjarbaru city
Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS - Dental caries is still a health problem that is often experienced by children. It is proven through World Health Organization (WHO) data which states that 60-90% of…

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