UNAIR NEWS – In the last decade, Southeast Asia has faced a rising circulation of illegal drugs and drugs. It is not only about the context of state security problem, but also also the problem of difficult drug abuse prevention for the younger generation (aged 15-24 years).
Rahma Sugihartati, one of the experts from UNAIR Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), explained that the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) is trying to embrace the younger generation who are often called digital natives for drug prevention through Instagram social media.
It is in contrast with the strategy of several neighboring countries, Philippines and Thailand. The two countries adopted a more frontal way to conduct a total war on drugs through the direct execution of drug dealers in public.
“In fact, they tend to be heroic by directly highlighting President Duterte as the leader of drug eradication. In contrast to Indonesia, which chose to implement education as a prevention of narcotics abuse, ” she explained.
The strategy chosen by National Narcotics Agency (BNN) also, has not shown results in decreasing number of drug trafficking in Indonesia, the number even continues to increase every year.
“Based on data from Kompas.com June 26, 2019 edition, the data showed that drug trafficking in Indonesia continues to increase. And the increase has become counterproductive to various campaign efforts carried out by BNN on Instagram, ” she added.
Rahma added, there was a rapid increase from the World Drugs Report data in 2018. So, it can be said that government programs in tackling the problem of narcotics abuse are less effective. From this problem, Rahma Sugihartati together with Daniel Susilo tried to reveal how effective the campaign against narcotics was on BNN’s Instagram channel.
Based on research that has been done by observing every BNN Instagram upload since January 1 – June 30, 2019, it can be concluded that the drug abuse campaign through Instagram social media is less effective. The uploads of BNN Instagram account was only dominated by ceremonial activities and daily activities of BNN officers who actually do not focus on the anti-drug campaign itself.
“As a result, the uploads only get weak feedback from citizens. This is counter-productive with the spirit of BNN embracing digital native as their target, “Rahma said.
According to Rahma and the team, the solution offered is to improve the campaign strategy undertaken, it does not have to be very broad, just pay attention to every upload that will be posted via Instagram, and should contain elements of an anti-drug campaign as the original objective.
“Strong support for social media officers at BNN is also needed to make better action campaigns against drug abuse. Furthermore, the younger generation who are also digital natives must have awareness on drug abuse, ” she concluded. (*)
Author: Bastian Ragas
Editor: Nuri Hermawan
Reference :
Rahma Sugihartati dan Daniel Susilo. 2019. Acts against Drugs and Narcotics Abuse: Measurement of the Effectiveness Campaign on Indonesian Narcotics Regulator Instagram. Journal of drug and Alcohol Research Vol 8 4 pages.