UNAIR Ambil Sumpah Dua Dokter Gigi dari Malaysia dan Filipina

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Dokter gigi asal Filipina Christian Oliver Wijaya usai diambil sumpah pada Selasa (25/6/19) di gedung Graha Bik IPTEK Dok Fakultas Kedokteran (FK) UNAIR. (Foto: Alif Fauzan)

UNAIR NEWS – Sebanyak 28 dokter gigi Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi (FKG) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) baru saja lulus dan diambil sumpah pada Selasa (25/6/19). Pengambilan sumpah dokter gigi periode Juni 2019…

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Profesor yang Humoris Itu meninggalkan Kita Semua

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Alm Prof. Dr. Budi Prasetyo, Drs. M.Si, Wakil Dekan I FISIP UNAIR saat menghadiri acara akademik di Rektorat. (Foto: Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWS – Suasana duka menyelimuti selasar lantai satu Gedung Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) Universias Airlangga (UNAIR), Selasa (25/6/2019). Salah satu putra terbaik UNAIR, Prof. Dr. Budi…

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FF UNAIR Team Up with Academics, Industry and Testing Institution to Discuss Scientific Development

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Dwi Setyawan while giving seminar material "Solubility Enhancement of Poorly Soluble Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients" during 2019 Pharmaceutical Technology Seminar. (Doc. FF UNAIR)

UNAIR NEWS - The pharmaceutical industry is one of the rapid growth industry sectors. With science and technology, making discoveries easier. In the midst of rapid progress, UNAIR Faculty of…

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Entrepreneurship Bazaar Encourages Students to Find Business Opportunities in their Field of Study

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PROF. Dr. Tri Martiana, Dr., M.S as Dean of FKM UNAIR visited one of FKM UNAIR alumni booths (Photo: Galuh Mega Kurnia)

UNAIR NEWS - Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held an entrepreneurial bazaar on Friday, June 21. In this activity, dozens of products from student creativity were exhibited…

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UNAIR Biology Alumnus Develop Salted Egg Snack

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Camilan telur asin, inovasi camilan yang dikembangkan oleh Ahmad Ridlwan Jamil, alumnus Biologi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi (FST) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). (Dok. Pribadi)

UNAIR NEWS -  Snacks are popular around people. Various product innovations offered by producers have succeeded in luring people to buy a snack product. Salted egg snack is one of…

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PSDKU PKM-PE Team Presents Alternative Treatment for Mammary Gland Cancer

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PSDKU Banyuwangi PKM-PE TEAM, (from the left) Estiary Wilujeng, Mega Wulandari Harsono Putri, and Nadia Marva Triana. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS - A PKM-PE (Research) Team Universitas Airlangga Off Main Campus Program (PSDKU) successfully presented an alternative treatment for mammary gland cancer through an in vivo study of Glycine…

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UNAIR Accepts Directly 5 Students During Registration Socialization

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Five students who have enrolled in UNAIR SBMPTN were declared accepted in UNAIR for their achievements. (Photo: Alif Fauzan)

PIH UNAIR - Two days before the closing of registration for admission of SBMPTN, Universitas Airlangga held an event "Gelar SBMPTN dan Mandiri 2019". The event was held on Saturday,…

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Carita Bantala Encourages Community to Care for the Environment

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MUHAMMAD Abdel Rafi present his cause to attendees. (Photo: Galuh Mega Kurnia)

UNAIR NEWS - Carita bantala or story about earth is a presentation from Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) specialized in health promotion and behavioral science (PKIP) 2019.…

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UNAIR Students Study Impact of Excise Policy in Reducing Number of Cigarette Smokers

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Excise Policy PKMPSH Team conduct their analysis. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS -  Indonesia has a significant number of cigarette smokers. It is supported by the increase in cigarette consumption from 2012 to 2016. It raises concerns, especially related to…

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‘LOTAN of Mahogany Seeds’ Develop Millennial Families Anti Dengue Fever

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LOTAN Mahogany Seed PKMM TEAM carry out activities with residents. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS - To optimize the results of their creativity, Student Creativity Program Team for Community Service (PKM-M) entitled "Mahogany Seeds Anti-Mosquito Lotion (LOTAN) as Alternative to Control Dengue Fever…

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