FKG Langsungkan Lomba Senam Sikat Gigi dan Launching Indonesia Dentist Rider

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SERU: Peserta Lomba Senam Sikat Gigi saat tengah beraksi. (Foto: Nuri Hermawan)

Dalam sambutannya, Darmawan mengatakan bahwa kegiatan senam pagi yang dikemas dengan lomba Senam Sikat Gigi menjadi salah satu momen yang tepat untuk menumbuhkan budaya sehat.

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FKG Holds Toothbrushing Calisthenics Competition and Inaugurates Indonesian Dentist Rider

Read more about the article FKG Holds Toothbrushing Calisthenics Competition and Inaugurates Indonesian Dentist Rider
Participants in Toothbrushing Calisthenics Competition in action. (Photo: Nuri Hermawan)

Morning calisthenics attended by leaders of Universitas Airlangga and residents around the campus is a routine agenda of university every month. However, there is something different about this morning's calisthenics activities.

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