Narasi TV Roadshow Invites Young People to be Content Creators

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UNAIR NEWS – As one of digital media that is engaged in producing various programs and content. This time Narasi TV held several event on Universitas Airlangga in two days started from February 31–1 2019.

The event with a hastag of #MakanyaNgobrol combines Content Creator Day and Cacatan Najwa program. By cooperating with younger generation to participate in becoming content creators.

For the first time, UNAIR collaborated with Narasi TV. Previously, UNAIR collaborated with Mata Najwa for three times.

Hundreds of young people showed up in several booth and photo booth in there. Visitors can enjoy several stands displayed by Narasi TV, including the internship information, photo competition, and games to enliven this event.

In addition, Narasi TV provided a place for everyone who want to capture the moment for Instagram. By uploading the most interesting photos, they will choose a winner to enlivent the event.

The visitors were not only from UNAIR, there were students from other universities and it also open for public.

On the first day, it was filled with several of content creator, Inijie and accompanied by Duo Budjang. Inijie is a food photographer who makes his hobby as his full-time job.

Inijie shared his story about how to take interesting food photos with unique photography techniques. Before working in photography realm, he worked on IT. “Culinary are universal. Starting an activity from what we like and consistently working on it is the key of success for people nowadays. The young generation should be different “he said.

Besides that, the applause and enthusiasm from audience was seen during the question and answer session with Inijie. Various questions were raised by young people. Interestingly, the activity was attended and dominated by women.

Esafatika, a student from Faculty of Humanities (FIB) UNAIR expressed her enthusiasm in attending the event. She continued, the younger generation has an active role in filling the contents of virtual world. Moreover, the world of photography is a great media to influence the audience in choosing a product or food.

“I’m interested in watching this program. It is time for young people to take a role in utilizing the digital world as a part of the profession. Nowadays hobbies are not just games. However, it can also be a job for us, “said Esafatika.

The first day of Narasi TV event expected to bring the enthusiasm of young generation to make their hobbies as a job.

“Do not ever get bored while carrying out your activities that make you happy. Follow your passion, be diligence, discipline and focus on your goal.” Inijie added. (*)


Author: Khefti Al Mawalia

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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