UNAIR Leaders in Fun Bike and Morning Exercise with Public
Universitas Airlangga leaders attend morning exercise and join fun bike event with public and the academic community on Sunday morning, Jan. 27, 2019 at Campus C.
Universitas Airlangga leaders attend morning exercise and join fun bike event with public and the academic community on Sunday morning, Jan. 27, 2019 at Campus C.
In an effort to achieve reputation excellence and competitive value towards World Class University, Universitas Airlangga through Airlangga Global Engagement (AGE) presents Winter Session program titled Indonesian Diversity at Airlangga(INDIAIR).
30 students became delegates from Universitas Airlangga in Management & Science University (MSU) Malaysia to gain new leadership insight. The activity is one of Airlangga Mobility 2019 program which was held on Sunday-Tuesday (January 20-22).
UNAIR NEWS – Dalam usahanya mewujudkan keunggulan reputasi dan nilai kompetitif menuju World Class University, Universitas Airlangga melalui Airlangga Global
Vivi divonis mengidap Lupus sejak duduk di bangku kelas 3 SMA. Hal tersebut membuat dirinya akrab bersinggungan dengan selang infus dan obat-obatan dalam waktu setahun terakhir.
UNAIR NEWS – Jajaran Pimpinan Universitas Airlangga menggelar kegiatan Gowes dan senam pagi bersama warga serta civitas pada Minggu pagi
Student Activity Unit of Pencak Silat Setia Hati Terate (UKM PSHT) Universitas Airlangga once again carried out a record of achievements in Java Pencak Silat championship IAIN CUP 2019. The competition which took place on January 14-18 at Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Tulungagung.
Muhammad Fairuzzuddin Zuhair salah satu peserta dalam kegiatan tersebut mengatakan, Airlangga Mobility 2019 merupakan hasil kerjasama antara Airlangga Global Engagement (AGE) UNAIR dengan pihak MSU. Kegiatan itu bertujuan untuk mewujudkan Universitas Airlangga masuk ke dalam 500 World Class University (WCU).
11th Dentine preliminary round was held with two systems. That is an online and offline system.
Vendrik, manajer dari tim PSHT UNAIR menyebutkan, pada ajang tersebut para delegasi harus berusaha menyisihkan kompetitor dari sepuluh universitas sepulau Jawa.