UNAIR Islamic Economics, Solution to Sharia-Based Program

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UNAIR NEWS – Approaching this year’s admission period, prospective students often have dilemma to make their choices, either based on their accreditation, curriculum, or uniqueness. This time, prospective students do not need to be worried or hesitant in choosing programs, especially prospective students from Islamic boarding schools.  Islamic Economics Program at Universitas Airlangga is one of the solutions in developing a sharia-based economy.

This program is one of the best economic alternatives on a national and international scale. Noven Suprayogi, SE, M.Si., Ak as Head of Islamic Economics Department, said that the Islamic Economics program gives an opportunity for prospective students because this program is included in one of the government’s strategic plans developed in Indonesia.

“It is proven by the establishment of National Islamic Finance Committee (KNKS) of Republic of Indonesia led by President of the Republic of Indonesia, shows that Islamic finance is an important thing to be developed into a strategic industry,” he said.

” Islamic Economics program learns about Islamic Economic system which consists of 3 systems, business, government, and social”, said Noven.

It distinguishes Islamic economic systems from conventional economics. Conventional economics only covers with business, markets and government systems. However, Islamic economic systems do not only operate on these three things, it also discusses the Islamic finance industry, and the halal industry that deals with monetary policy and empowerment of zakat and waqf.

“Islamic economics is not only learning fiqh, but also talking about policy issues, sharia financial systems, sharia-based development systems, and social institutions that are able to play a role in economic resources based on Qur’an and hadith,” he stated.

So, what is the uniqueness of Islamic Economics?

Noven explained, the uniqueness of this program is in the curriculum applied. It is from special science and development of integrated three existing systems. Thus, the economy and community empowerment can be well developed. Moreover, Islamic Micro Finance is also included in Islamic Economics Program curriculum.

“UNAIR Islamic Economics is in East Java area. The province is known for rapid development of Islamic Boarding schools. This is one of the reasons for the curriculum formulation based on Islamic Boarding School. Moreover, this is also one of the opportunities for prospective students with a boarding school background that has the potential to develop Indonesia’s economy in the future through Sharia, ” he said.

In addition, he also revealed that Islamic Economics Bachelor’s Program had opened an  international class. The students are from different countries participating in the student exchange programs. Of course, this is an opportunity for UNAIR students to interact with foreign students and develop their international and cultural insights.

“So with the implementation of  face-toface learning system in class, and e-learning. Students can learn independently and have more chances for discussions with lecturers, “he added. (*)


Author: Rolista Dwi Oktavia

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia


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