New Innovations of Aquaculture Student Association

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Progressive Cabinet, Aquaculture Student Association Period 2019. (Photo: Ragas)

UNAIR NEWS – After carrying out mandate for one year of management, PSDKU UNAIR Aquaculture Student Association (HMBP) PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi, Progressive Cabinet was officially inaugurated on Monday, December 10.

To UNAIR NEWS team on Saturday 22 December, Indra Wicaksono, Head of 2019 HMBP explained the meaning of Progressive itself is expected to bring HMBP in 2019 to be more active in new management.

“I will make HMBP 2019 to be a visionary organization and bring the impact of sustainable change. Not only in terms of work programs, but also including the system, management soul, and the activeness of HMBP members.” explained Indra.

So far, HMBP still has several shortcomings that still need to be improved. The Progressive Cabinet has 3 aspects that will be the main focus of improvement: the management system, the performance of members, and the activeness of the members.

For management system, Progressive Cabinet made new division called public relations department. It is a combination of public relations and kominfo, which in previous management, it were separated into two division.

“My goal is combining 2 division for the efficiency of management work. I think public relations and kominfo have the same job desk. Therefore, I combine it and hopefully the performance will be optimal.” he added.

In addition, Progressive Cabinet led by 2016 aquaculture student has also changed the management’s open recruitment system, which in the previous management open recruitment system was only carried out by head and vice of HMBP. Now, the open recruitment system is carried out jointly by head and vice of the department.

“The purpose is choosing the best management member. Me and my representative, and 6 heads of departments at HMBP have the right to assess every student who registers for HMBP.” he said.

As for the management’s performance and the activeness of HMBP members, Indra will leave it to student resource development department (PSDM).

Looking at the evaluation of United Cabinet, Progressive Cabinet will also further optimize the community performance of Aquaculture Study Club (ASC) so that ponds in laboratories can be fully beneficial. The goal is to apply the knowledge gained during class and develop entrepreneurial spirit.

“In addition to developing ASC, me and the community service department are also determined to build assisted village that has been prepared since the previous management,” he said.

Indra Wicaksono, who is the former head of the community service department, hopes that all elements in Banyuwangi Aquaculture Study Program to be better.

“I also hope that Progressive Cabinet will continue to grow and develop and be better for FPK,” he concluded. (*)

Author: Bastian Ragas

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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