Participants’ Impression after Study Excursie 2018

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CLOSING Ceremony with Dr. Muhammad Adib Drs., MA. (Photo: Galuh Mega Kurnia)

Seeing the enthusiasm of the participants during their full activities, UNAIR NEWS succeeded in summarizing the impressions of some of the participants. The following were the expressions of the participants regarding the activity.

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Study Excursie 2018: Actualization of Pancasila Values for Millennials

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Dr. Listiyono Santoso’s presentation in Study Excursie 2018 to the participants. (Photo: Galuh Mega Kurnia)

Study Excursie is an annual compulsory agenda for Universitas Airlangga (MKWU) courses. This activity has been carried out since 2005 and is oriented towards instilling the value of the nation's character and strengthening nationalism insight. 

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Begini Kesan Peserta usai Ikuti Study Excursie 2018

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CLOSING Ceremony oleh Dr. Muhammad Adib Drs., MA. (Foto : Galuh Mega Kurnia)

UNAIR NEWS – Study Excursie pada tahun 2018 dilaksanakan selama dua hari di Prigen, Pasuruan. Dalam kegiatan tersebut, peserta dibekali dengan materi terkait penanaman nilai-nilai Pancasila dan penumbuhan karakter bangsa…

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Study Excursie 2018: Aktualisasi Nilai-Nilai Pancasila bagi Generasi Milenial

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Dr. Listiyono Santoso saat memeberikan paparan dalam Study Excursie kepada para peserta. (Foto: Galuh Mega Kurnia)

UNAIR NEWS – Study Excursie merupakan agenda rutin tahunan mata kuliah wajid (MKWU) Universitas Airlangga. Kegiatan tersebut telah dilaksanakan sejak 2005 dan berorientasi pada penanaman nilai karakter bangsa dan menguatkan…

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Ksatria Airlangga Hospital Continues Humanitarian Service in Palu, One Week Serves Hundreds of Patients

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DOCTORS from "Ksatria Airlangga" Hospital conducted an exam to the people affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Donggala, Central Sulawesi. A month after the disaster, UNAIR academic community members still provided humanitarian services. (Photo: RSTKA Doc)

One month after the earthquake, tsunami and liquefaction disaster in Palu, Donggala and Sigi, Central Sulawesi, Ksatria Airlangga Hospital (RSKA) continues its healthcare services.

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Memaknai Gaung Sumpah Pemuda

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Ilustrasi oleh Tribunnews

Ditetapkannya tanggal tersebut sebagai hari Nasional yang identik dengan gelora kaum muda yakni melalui Keppres No. 316 Tahun 1959 tanggal 16 Desember 1959. Dipilihnya tanggal 28 Oktober sendiri mengacu kepada hasil kongres pemuda II yang diselenggarakan selama 2 hari yakni pada tanggal 27-28 Oktober 1928 di Batavia (Jakarta).

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Eight Students from Palu Received by Rector to Study at UNAIR

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UNAIR Rector Prof. Moh Nasih (standing, fifth from the right) with other UNAIR officials and 8 students from Palu who were going to sit-in at UNAIR. The meeting was held on Friday night, October 26 in the chancellor's room. (Photo: Binti Q. Masruroh)

Eight students from Tadulako University, Palu, were officially received by Rector of Universitas Airlangga in his office room on Friday night. The eight students were affected by the earthquake and tsunami that struck Palu in September 28.

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Dosen FKM UNAIR Peringati Sumpah Pemuda dengan Pelatihan Remaja

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Salah satu dosen FKM saat memberikan materi. (Foto: Tim Pengmas FKM)

Kecamatan Kenjeran merupakan salah satu Kecamatan Binaan dari Universitas Airlangga. Pelatihan edutainment bagi remaja Kecamatan Kenjeran bukan kegiatan pertama namun kegiatan pengmas lanjutan Departemen Promosi Kesehatan dan Ilmu Perilaku (PKIP) FKM UNAIR yang dilakukan sejak tahun 2011.

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