Sharing Motivation, Dorong Staf Tanggap Hadapi Perubahan

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Direktur SDM Universitas Gadjah Mada Dr. Drs. Ratminto, M.Pol., ADMIN., saat menyampaikan paparan motivasi. (Foto: Nuri Hermawan)

UNAIR NEWS - Sebagai bagian dari kegiatan utama pembuka Raker-FGD Administratur dan Pengawas di lingkungan Universitas Airlangga, Sharing Motivation yang disampaikan oleh Direktur SDM Universitas Gadjah Mada Dr. Drs. Ratminto,…

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Motivation sharing encourages staff to respond to change

Read more about the article Motivation sharing encourages staff to respond to change
HR Director of Gadjah Mada University Dr. Drs. Ratminto, M.Pol., ADMIN., in his motivational presentation. (Photo: Nuri Hermawan)

UNAIR NEWS - As part of the main activity of Work Meeting-FGD Administrators and Supervisors at Universitas Airlangga, a motivation sharing was presented by Director of Human Resources, Gadjah Mada…

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