UNAIR Epidemiology expert: 28-day-extension of PSBB Surabaya is reasonable

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Large Scale Social Distancing Surabaya. (Source: Jawa Pos)

UNAIR NEWS - Large Scale Social Distancing (PSBB) in Surabaya City, Sidoarjo Regency, and Gresik Regency have been officially extended to be 28 days. As duration of 14 days seems…

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Masa Inkubasi Pasien Berbeda-beda, Pakar UNAIR Sarankan PSBB Surabaya Tambah 14 Hari Lagi

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Pakar Epidemiologi Universitas Airlangga Dr. Windhu Purnomo, dr., MS. (Dok. Pribadi)

UNAIR NEWS – Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) di Kota Surabaya, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, dan Kabupaten Gresik hampir memasuki hari ke-14. Namun, penerapan PSBB di Surabaya tampaknya belum cukup menekan angka…

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Different incubation period, UNAIR expert suggests 14-day-extension of PSBB Surabaya

Read more about the article Different incubation period, UNAIR expert suggests 14-day-extension of PSBB Surabaya
Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Epidemiologist, Dr. Windhu Purnomo, dr., MS. (Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Large Scale Social Distancing (PSBB) in Surabaya City, Sidoarjo Regency, and Gresik Regency is in its 14th day. However, 14 days of PSBB did not seem to…

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Kata Pakar Sosial UNAIR Soal PSBB di Surabaya

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ILUSTRASI PSBB: Akses Sidoarjo menuju Surabaya di perbatasan daerah Rungkut dan Gunung Anyar sempat ditutup. (Dok. Jawa Pos)

UNAIR NEWS - Tepat pada Selasa (21/04/20) Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia (Menkes RI) menyetujui permohonan surat pengajuan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) melalui Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan nomor HK.01.07/Menkes/264/2020. Sebelumnya, Senin…

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UNAIR Sociology expert comments on PSBB in Surabaya

Read more about the article UNAIR Sociology expert comments on PSBB in Surabaya
PSBB ILLUSTRATION: Sidoarjo's access to Surabaya on the border areas of Rungkut and Gunung Anyar was once closed. (Photo: Jawa Pos)

UNAIR NEWS - On Tuesday, April 21, 2020, the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Menkes RI) approved the request of Large-Scale Social Distancing (PSBB) through Minister of…

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