The importance of nutritional fulfillment during self-isolation

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Stefania Widya Setyaningtyas, S.Gz, MPH, a Lecturer in the Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga. (Photo: Personal Document)

UNAIR NEWS – The Covid-19 pandemic is still not abating in Indonesia. It was recorded that on Wednesday, July 7, 2021, there were an additional 34,379 cases. If someone is exposed to Covid-19 but does not experience severe symptoms, it is advisable to self-isolate at home. Of course, self-isolation has certain conditions, including fulfillment of nutrition.

As we all know, the body needs adequate nutrition to provide sufficient energy for the body. Stefania Widya Setyaningtyas, S.Gz, MPH, a Lecturer of Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, said that a person’s nutritional needs during self-isolation are different. “The nutritional needs of people who are self-isolating depend on their own physical condition. For example, if he has a fever, he needs more energy and fluid intake than usual. The presence of comorbidities also affects their nutritional needs,” she explained.

Stefania emphasized that no food can prevent or cure Covid-19. “The food we eat plays a more important role in optimizing the work of our immune system. Good food is a balanced and varied diet,” she emphasized.

“Follow Piring Makanku advice by always consuming sources of protein, carbohydrates, vegetables and fruit, as well as sufficient water,” Stefania added.

It should be noted that a person’s nutritional status can also predict the severity of exposure to Covid-19. “Obese people are known to have a greater chance of suffering from Covid-19 with more severe symptoms. Therefore, maintaining a balanced diet and getting enough physical activity at home is an important thing to do,” she explained.

Stefania explained that when managing food for someone who is self-isolating, no special procedures are applied. No studies have explained Covid-19 can be transferred through food. “It is better if the food is well-cooked. We also need to reheat the purchased food if it is not eaten immediately,” she said.

Planning food menus and shopping can be done for someone who is in self-isolation to reduce the intensity of leaving the house. “Use some tips to increase the shelf life of foodstuffs, such as storing green vegetables by wrapping them in containers with holes and paper or tissue,” she concluded.

Author: Icha Nur Imami Puspita

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia (YA/AP)

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