During pandemic, Faculty of Nursing uses two learning methods for Nursing Professional Program

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UNAIR NEWS – During the Covid-19 pandemic, Faculty of Nursing (FKp) Universitas Airlangga’s Nursing Professional Education program implemented blended learning and hybrid learning methods. There is a combination of online and offline methods during professional practical learning to facilitate the achievement of student competencies.

“The implementation of the learning process in the professional program is carried out with the blended learning and hybrid learning methods, it is in line with the rector’s circular regarding the teaching and learning process during the pandemic period to protect students, prevent an increase in Covid-19 cases among students and lecturers as well as to facilitate student competence, “explained Dr. Ika Yuni Widyawati, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep., Ns., Sp.Kep.MB, Vice Dean 1 FKp UNAIR.

The implementation of this program is carried out by students of A-16 and B-22 batch for one year (two semesters). Online learning methods are carried out using zoom media, video calls, and other media. Then, the offline learning method is implemented in the clinical service setting by following the rules imposed by each practice area. There are various offline learning schedule based on the credit in each course.

“In normal times (before the pandemic) professional students would study in a clinical service setting which consists of several hospitals ( Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Universitas Airlangga Hospital, and Menur Mental health Hospital), in social or nursing homes and students also practice at the community healthcare center(Puskesmas). Meanwhile, during the pandemic period, besides practicing in health services, students also carry out learning online, “explained Dr. Ika, via Whatsapp on April 20, 2021.

Asked about the obstacles in its implementation, Dr. Ika answered that the Nursing Professional Study Program made a significant adjustment. Professional students are drawn from several units in the hospital so student learning is transferred to online learning, where it is not uncommon for students to experience signal interference. Then, the achievement of professional student competence is one of the biggest obstacles in implementing the program.

“Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the learning process in the Nurse Professional Education Study Program has been adjusted. Professional students must be withdrawn from several units in the hospital because the hospital is being used as a service for Covid-19 patients. Students are transferred to online learning in their respective areas of origin. The next obstacle is related to the achievement of professional student competence. The competence of these prospective nurses can only be obtained if the students have “hands on” experience managing cases. However, because there are still many hospitals and health centers that are locked down, the learning mechanism is modified with the offline method where students will manage cases in the FKp UNAIR laboratory, ” said the doctor who is also a lecturer in Medical Surgical Nursing.

There are several hospitals that are willing to accept practical students in clinical service settings, but of course they still follow the strict rules for preventing Covid-19, 5M and restrictions on student service schedules. Preparation that must be done by students is to learn intellectual abilities such as understanding related cases and nursing actions. In addition, students also need to prepare good physical conditions, especially when carrying out the learning period offline.

Hopefully, this Nursing Professional Education program can produce nurse graduates who can spread benefits to the wider community, skilled, able to think critically and work in teams, have caring character and HEBAT (Honest-Humble, Excellent, Brave, Agile & Transcendent) and uphold the motto, Excellence with Morality.

UNAIR as the best university in Indonesia is committed to encouraging academicians to contribute to the wider community.

Author: Adelya Salsabila Putri

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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