KKN kandangan team develops rosella tea business

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Rosella tea product made by UNAIR KKN students. (Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Every region in Indonesia has extraordinary potential. However, only few people in the area can maximize this potential well due to a lack of knowledge.

This potential can be developed even better to help the community’s economy. Especially at this time, COVID 19 pandemic crisis caused a monetary crisis, and not a few people lost their jobs.

From these problems, six students Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), who are members of the 62nd Community Service (KKN) of Kandangan Hamlet, Sugihwaras Village, Nganjuk Regency, East Java utilize the potential of the surrounding nature to help the community.

Ana Kharisma, as a member of the Community Service team, explained that the new livelihood is a home-based business with Rosella flowers as the product of choice. Rosella flower was chosen because it is suitable to be cultivated in Nganjuk Regency area.

“People used to sell fresh rosella flowers without going through processing and packaging. Thus the price is very low. Even though it has a high potential for sale value if appropriately managed. So we are innovating in making dried teabag products from dried rosella flowers, “said Physics student.

The program, named La Tea, started on July 13 and involved all the residents of Sugihwaras, especially Kandangan Hamlet. Online media such as Whatsapp, Instagram, and YouTube are used as a place for socialization and marketing.

The 62nd Real Work Lecture Team (KKN) of Kandangan Hamlet, Sugihwaras Village, Nganjuk Regency, East Java. (Personal Doc.)

In the manufacturing process, fresh rosella flowers that have been picked are immediately discarded and washed. Then dried, mashed and packed.

According to him, with the program, the enthusiasm of the community leaders was very high, and also, the people themselves felt happy with their help in managing the business.

“The community response has been quite good, especially from among mothers and the elderly. Previously, people did not know the benefits and how to process rosella flowers. So many people want to plant and try to make rosella tea, “he said.

Besides, the program target is not only on provit but also as a medium of socialization to the public about the health benefits. (*)

Author: Asthesia Dhea Cantika

Editor: Binti Q Masruroh

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