UNAIR Professor of Pharmacy says eucalyptus useful to handle early symptom of respiratory disease

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UNAIR NEWS – Eucalyptus has been a trending topic as some believe the plant can kill Covid-19 virus. It has attracted attention of UNAIR herbal medicine expert and pharmacist to reveal the medicinal benefits of Eucalyptus plant.

A professor of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) Prof. Dr. Mangestuti, MS., Apt., gave her opinion about Eucalyptus plant. According to her, currently, there is no evidence that proves Eucalyptus is effective in killing Covid-19.

“Eucalyptus plants are actually only able to kill the SARS virus in vitro and there is no evidence that they can kill SARS Cov-2 (Covid-19),” she said during Covid-19 Herbal Medicine Webinar on Friday, July 24, 2020.

Prof. Manges also said that the Eucalyptus plant might kill certain viruses, but not others. Eucalyptus plants are used to handle early symptoms of respiratory disease.

Monoterpene compound in Eucalyptus plants have the ability to evaporate easily. The evaporation of compounds in Eucalyptus plants can be absorbed strongly and quickly into the capillaries of the nasal sinuses to be passed on to the immune system.

“People need to know that eucalyptus plants are only used as a deterrent, not to kill,” she said.

Prof. Manges also mentioned other herbal medicines as alternatives to Covid-19 virus such as essential oils, turmeric, sappanwood, and ginger. These herbal medicines can be alternativew because they can be found easily than Eucalyptus plant which is still rarely found.

Essential oils have ability to clean air in the room and naturally reduce the number of infectious microorganisms. Essential oils have a long effect to reduce stress and increase the body’s immune system on a regular basis.

Stress often hit people during Covid-19 pandemic and cause their immunity decrease drastically. It is caused by overactive sympathetic nerves causing lymphocytes to be confined in the lymph nodes and they cannot go out to attack pathogens.

“If we have excessive stress, we can use turmeric, sappanwood, or ginger as herbal medicine to improve body immunity,” she explained.

Prof. Manges reiterated that curcumin content in turmeric can inhibit the encapsulation into the body’s cells. Consuming turmeric at a dose of 500-200 mg per day can protect the body’s immunity from various viruses that enter the body. (*)

Author: Aditya Novrian

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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