Nurse compliance in the prevention of urinary tract infections

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Urinary tract infection. (Source: Alodokter)

Urinary catheterization may be used to support urinary elimination in patients who are unable to void naturally. A catheter tube, which is a foreign object, besides its benefits in helping patients, can have adverse effects like urinary tract infection. The infections can be dangerous because they can cause disability (damage to the urinary tract or kidneys), even death. Infection due to catheter use can be prevented by taking a series of actions or commonly known as CAUTI (Catheter-associated urinal tract infection) Bundle.

What is the CAUTI bundle? It is a series of activities or actions performed on patients with a urine tube placement, to prevent infection and complications during urine hose installation, treatment, urine hose removal, and hose re-installation.

CAUTI bundle includes the installation and removal of tubes by skilled health professionals and evaluates, ensures, and monitors regularly. Whether the patient still needs the installation of the urine hose, the hose is connected to the discharge bag. The patient knows his role in preventing urinary tract infections and the treatment of genital areas regularly periodically during the urine hose, periodic emptying of the urine collection bag, and hand washing, use of gloves, use of gowns, and other personal protective equipment required during the installation and removal of the urine hose.

CAUTI bundle is essential to be implemented. Compliance of health workers, including nurses, is also essential to be monitored to ensure that all health workers comply with the CAUTI bundle under SOP (standard operating procedures) set in each work unit. Several factors affect nurses’ compliance with the CAUTI bundle, including education, knowledge, and work experience. The intention or intention of nurses to comply with the CAUTI bundle directly affects the CAUTI bundle, while other factors such as attitudes, subjective norms, and background factors (knowledge, education, and length of work) affect indirectly. (*)

Author: Ninuk Dian Kurniawati, Detail of Information:’_Compliance_with_the_Catheter_Associated_Urinary_Tract_Infection_Prevention_Bundle/links/5ec2defb92851c11a8721f47/Nurses-Compliance-with-the-Catheter-Associated-Urinary-Tract-Infection-Prevention-Bundle.pdf

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