Head of Bendungan village along with KKN BV Pasuruan team arranged village regulation

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Rufi'i Widodo as Head of Bendungan Village together with Julianda Rosyadi discussed on draft village regulation on Monday, January 20. (Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Village regulations have an important role in village governance. Village government actions must have a legal basis. Besides, village regulations also function to emphasize the rights and obligations of the government and villagers.

From this situation, ten students joined the 61st Back to Village Real Work Lecture (KKN-BV) in Bendungan Village, Kraton Subdistrict, Pasuruan Regency, East Java made Village Regulation Draft. The design was carried out by KKN team with H. Rufi’i Widodo as Head of Bendungan Village on January 7-20.

The program is an implementation of legal drafting which has been taught to UNAIR Faculty of Law students to develop the village. The draft regulation was deemed necessary and urgent for the village.

“We discussed with staff and Head of the village. If this draft continues, it will become a draft village regulation proposal. BPD (Village Consultative Body, ed) can submit Raperdes BPD proposals themselves, “said Julianda Rosyadi as the person in charge.

Julianda said that the interview with Head of the Village was the main step in determining the problems in Bendungan village. By knowing the problems, the design is intended to administrate the village government so that the continuity of governance in the village can run more optimally.

“From the interview results it is known that the village does not have adequate regulations governing public services in Bendungan Village,” he explained

Rufi’i Widodo as Head of Bendungan Village and team of Bendungan Village Community Service Program on Monday, January 20. (Personal Doc.)

According to Rufi, the design was very necessary and important for the village in its service. For him, the village should have restrictions and a legal basis, so people will follow the rules set by the village government.

“There will be clear obligations and rights as village government and citizens,” he concluded.

Furthermore, the draft was designed with the students with legal research articles which both could become guidelines for the regulation Bendungan village. (*)

Author: Asthesia Dhea Cantika

Editor: Binti Q Masruroh

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