UNAIR Expert Assesses Indonesian Nurse Career Dynamics After Placement Abroad

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – “The crisis of nurses in developed countries like Taiwan is one of the attractions for nurses in Indonesia to work abroad and get a more promising life than if they work in their own country.” That was the opening statement from Setho Hadisuyatmana’s research, M.NS.

In his opening remarks, he said that the World Health Organization or WHO has set migrant recruitment regulations as health workers through WHO Global Code of Practice (WHO, 2010). It was to reduce the possibility of the phenomenon of brain drain and waste in migrants’ home countries by requiring recruitment based on work contracts in a limited time.

Furthermore, the code is also a guide for the protection of the welfare of health migrants in the destination country. Recently, Indonesian Trade and Economic Office data shows that Taiwan is the most popular destination for Indonesian nurses.

“At least 190,587 nurses were registered as migrants in Taiwan at the end of 2017. This figure raised Indonesia as the most significant contributor to migrant nurses in Taiwan. Unfortunately, more than 75% of them are employed in the informal sector, which is lower than their qualifications in the country, as nurses, “he said.

Furthermore, he also said that not many reviews the life experiences of nurses who moved to Taiwan to become a Care-giver. According to him, foreign Care-giver has become an essential part of health services in the long-term care industry for elderly groups in Taiwan.

“Although, information about their life experiences as service providers is still very minimal. Several previous studies have explored their motivations in pursuing employment as care workers in Taiwan, “he explained.

In the end, he explained that the findings in the research he conducted with the team revealed the challenges faced by Indonesian nurses working in Taiwan. Nurses who intend to work abroad, he explained, must understand the terminology of the vacancies submitted.

“Therefore, this study recommends a review of nurse migration policy to Taiwan in the future. Taiwan must play a more decisive role in promoting and encouraging good governance by recruitment agencies for migrant workers following WHO global code, “he concluded.  

Author: Nuri Hermawan

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia



Nursalam, N., Ching-Min, C. H. E. N., Efendi F., Hidayati L., & Hadisuyatmana, S. 2019. The Lived Experiences of Indonesian Nurses Who Worked as Care Workers in Taiwan. Journal of Nursing

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