Expert review on organizational politics and employee behavior

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Economics and Business lecturer, Dr. Praptini Yulianti, SE, Msi., conducted research on organizational politics and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). According to him, OCB can be in the form of voice behavior or ideas to solve problems. However, he said, voice behavior can make leaders respond negatively to employees who do voice behavior.

Then Praptini reviewed some things regarding employees doing OCB. First, social exchange theory is interpreted when someone’s actions or behavior depend on the treatment given by others. Second, she continued, impression management theory which explains that employees doing OCB because they want to be judged well by others.

“One of the work environments that affects OCB is organizational politics,” she said.

Organizational politics, she explained, is a phenomenon that naturally occurs in organizations. Nevertheless, political practice often creates injustice and uncertainty in understanding the organizational environment so it is often perceived negatively by members of the organization or often referred as Perceived Organizational Politics (POP).

“POP is an employee’s subjective interpretation of political practices in an organizational environment that OP is perceived as negative behavior such as low job attitude, unsatisfaction, unjustice and self-serving, ” she said.

Furthermore, Praptini also explained that POP has a psychological impact on which employees will avoid, remain silent or engage in political practice. High POP practices, she explained, made employees affected to get involved. Some references stated that organizational politics can stimulate employees to seek control, recognition, power, status, and success.

“Because organizational politics results in an unjust and unpredictable distribution of resources, passive individuals are more likely to be exploited or suffer losses. Therefore, employees need to actively fight for resources or try to get fair treatment, ” she explained.

In the end, Praptini emphasized that through research using a quantitative approach showed that POP has a positive effect on OCB. POP, she added, has an effect on OCB through careerism.

“Because employees who perceive a high political climate in their organizations are likely to be involved to get good job promotions and careers through ways that are not performance-based like OCB,” she concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia


Faizal Susilo Hadi and Praptini Yulianti (2019). The Paradoxical Effect of Perceived Organizational Politics and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. Management Dynamics Journal , 10 (1) 2019, 68-80;

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