Surabaya Single Windows (SSW) Effectively Improves Surabaya’s Economy

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – The issuance of a digital licensing system launched in Surabaya since 2013 has effectively boosted the economy of the city. Especially with the presence of Surabaya Single Windows (SSW) program or online licensing, which was inaugurated by Mayor Tri Risma Harini on March 15, 2013.

The results of research strengthened the positive impact of the presence of SSW by Lanny Ramli  Faculty of Law (FH) Universitas Airlangga. For several years, Lanny said there was a significant number of progress in comparison in the initial year and the year before SSW launched.

“In connection with Surabaya Single Window (SSW), it shows significant number in Surabaya economic and business growth,” he said.

In 2011, the total nominal foreign investment reached Rp 22,500,600,000. In the following year (2012), the nominal value reached Rp. 298,717,956,292.

Lanny said this was in line with the increase in the value of investments in foreign currencies. In 2013, the nominal value reached $ 12,735,769. And, the following year (2014) reached $ 45,294,933.

On the investment side, continued Lanny, domestic investors in 2013 posted a nominal Rp. 490,271,432,498. And, in the following year (2014), the nominal increased to Rp. 639,625,900,000. In fact, in the following year, precisely in 2015, the nominal touched the figure of Rp. 828,416,500,000.

“The nominal increase also marked by an increase in the issuance of Trading Business License (SIUP) in Surabaya,” he said.

Lanny revealed the realization of Surabaya Single Window (SSW) is a pioneer of the service system in effective, efficient and transparent licensing arrangements in Indonesia. Therefore, SSW can be adopted as a system that can facilitate the community in opening a business in Surabaya that requires a Trade Business License (SIUP). Bearing in mind, SIUP is a permit that must be owned by every business owner who wants to do business legally.

“Based on the data I collected in 2014, the total SIUP management reached 12,672. And, it increased in 2015, amounting to 13,333 SIUP arrangements, “he said.

The number of electricity users also increased. It can also be used as an indicator of increasing the number of businesses in Surabaya. Based on data in 2012, there were 3,993 electricity users for industrial needs and 74,863 for business activities. The following year experienced an increase in both sectors. Industry needs recorded 4,048 users, while business needs reached 88,662 users.

“Surabaya Single Window (SSW) is a solution that can provide increased investment value and improve the business sector in Surabaya,” he said.

However, Lanny said that the automation system that became the main page of Surabaya Single Window (SSW) experienced technical errors. For example, networking and repair. Other obstacles that need to be considered are non-technical matters.

“For example, relating to socialization to prospective or business owners. It also needs to be considered so it can improve the efficiency of Surabaya Single Window (SSW) which is the potential for the latest system in licensing services in Indonesia, “he said. (*)

Author:FerI Fenoria

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia


Lanny Ramli, Ayu Putri Azahrawany, Luggas Radianto, Vidy Fauzizah Sampurno, Sandra Bagus M, Rintan Nur Indah Sari Anwar. 2018. Single Window Policy for Trade Licensing in Surabaya

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