Questioning Role of Nurses in Disaster Management

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UNAIR NEWS – Indonesia is a country with high proneness to disasters. Therefore, the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Faculty of Nursing (FKp) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a National Nursing Professional Seminar (SPOKEN) 2019. The event themed “Disaster Management: The Importance of Mitigation and Preparedness in Facing the Impact of Disasters” was held at 2019 National Nursing Seminar (SPOKEN). Saturday, October 26, 2019 at Hall D Hajj Dormitory Surabaya.

Prof. Dr. Nursalam, M.Nurs (Hons) as the dean of FKp UNAIR attended with some speakers. Agus Ardiyansyah, S.K.M, S.E, M.P.H, Ph.D as East Java Regional Disaster Mitigation (BPBD) disaster mitigation analyst and Dr. Yulis Setiya Dewi, S.Kep.Ns., M.Ng as a lecturer in critical nursing FKp UNAIR. The event was moderated by Hidayat Arifin, S.Kep.Ns, an FKp UNAIR alumnus.

In the event, Dr. Yulis revealed about the 2015-2019 National Disaster Management Strategy to realize the vision and mission of the Indonesian people resilience in facing disasters. It means Indonesia is not only disaster-responsive, but resilient in the face of disasters. “So, it is not only responsive, but resilient,” she said.

There are four problems in disaster management. First, the lack of understanding on hazard characteristics. Second, attitudes and behaviors that reduce the quality of natural resources. Third, lack of information or early warning which results in unpreparedness. And, fourth, powerlessness and inability to face the threat of disaster.

According to the International Council of Nurses (ICN), nurses play an important role in disaster management. From year to year, nurses are summoned to help the individuals, groups and communities in times of crisis.

Dr. Yulis revealed that there are several things that cause nurses to play an important role in disaster management. First, nurses have skills.

“The skills possessed by nurses are broad, ranging from providing therapy to prevention,” she said. Second, nurses are creative and adaptable and they can work together with all elements of disaster management.

There are several things nurses can do in disaster management. The first thing that can be done is to help search, rescue and localize victims. Second, triage, it requires nurses to quickly identify disaster victims who need immediate stabilization. Third, first aid, first aid is done such as treating rub fab wounds and doing basic life support.

Fourth, assist the process of moving victims. Displacement of disaster victims should not be done by just anyone, nurses are equipped with the ability to check conditions by monitoring vital signs so they can carry out the transfer of victims properly. Fifth, treatment at the hospital. Sixth, conduct Rapid Health Assessment.

“The duty of nurses in the RHA is to assess health quickly through the collection of appropriate information,” said Dr. Yulis

“Assessing the patient’s condition should not be long, measuring the patient’s response is only 10 seconds max,” she added.

Furthermore, nurses have a role in the evacuation post and disaster post. What can be done include evaluating the daily health needs to collaborate with pharmaceutical staff to check the availability of drugs. The post impact phase also requires the role of the nurse in it. In this phase, nurses help the community to return to normal life through a process of consultation or education and help restore physical condition quickly.

“Helping to restore physical condition as quickly as possible so that a second disaster does not occur,” she stated. (*)

Author: Icha Nur Imami Puspita

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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